What ways do you help to advertise your school?


Purple Belt
If I'm going out to run errands, traveling, and other such instances, I try to wear a school tee-shirt or a camp tee-shirt. Hoping that someone might find it interesting and ask me about it, or perhaps go and inquire at the school. I also dropped off some flyers at the physical therapist's office, since I'm there working on my knee. I'm going to get more to carry around, so if someone does come up to talk to me, I can give them a flyer. :D

What small ways do you try to help advertise your school?
Handing out flyers can be productive. If people get a physical piece of paper that has the details needed (including your web page address), then at least a few are going to check out what you offer. I honestly believe that this is more productive than renting a large sign space somewhere, since most people won't bother writing it down.

There are many places where you can hand out flyers, such as the local schools, a Wal-Mart, etc. You do, however, need to get permission from the people in charge. Most of the time, this shouldn't be a problem, but many times, you might get stonewalled, or brushed off entirely. Sometimes, someone might have already beaten you to the punch, and a particular place will not want to let you in.

Some rival martial arts schools might not like the idea of you "encroaching" on "their" territory, but the way I see it, as long as you offer a decent education, then you have as much of a "right" to be there as they do.
Similar to what you are already doing, set up a local business networking group. Have fliers with numerouse business offers on it and hand out at the businesses. Since there are multiple offers on the flier, more people will be more spt to take one.

Bumper stickers are also a cheap form of marketing. Key is to create one that is appealing and students will place on their vehicles.
Hello, If there are local school elementary types nearby...ask the Princples if it is oK to add flyiers to there news/information packets.

Middle schools and High School too.

At many shopping centers they have public bullentin boards for flier/activities.

Also..doing demo's at the shopping malls and passing out fliers works too.

One more thing here...if someone brings in a new student who stays for a month or more...one month dues is free...or be creative here....Aloh

PS: You will find alot of your students will come from parents who want to have their kids learn some kind of self-defense....Attend after school programs...and pass out fliers to the parents.
Word of mouth! I can't keep quiet about my training! :D

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