What was your dream job?

As I child I wanted to be the Six Million Dollar Man; there had to be a good living in that. But, as I got older I realized that that lifting an army tank would actually crush the non-bionic midsection, so my aspirations turned to SI Swimsuit model spritzer.
I wanted to be a veterinarian (all animals), or a jockey or some other thing to do with horses.

I went through a phase of wanting to be a doctor. An EMT. An artist. A writer.

There were so many.

It never seems to go away either, I'm always having things enter my mind of "that's what I want to do" lol. But now that I'm older I have to be more realistic of what I can do at this point in my life. I've been thinking Animal Control Officer as of late. I'll never grow up. :D

Darlin, you would need to grow up on the backs of OTTB's or on a track to do this with even a hint of safety. Every jock gets broken, Every jock, not If but how often and how bad. Every time you go out to race there is a chance you will get hurt or get killed. Look at the stats. Please do not do this. Be a vet. ( I won't even start my own horses anymore, never mind get on a track.)
Thats awesome! Its amazing how our dreams and aspirations change as we age. Its also amazing of how many different dreams we all have and want to achieve. Thanks for sharing everyone!
When I was 2 years old I saw The Beatles on 'Ed Sullivan' and decided I wanted to be a rock star. In '79 my band opened for The Ramones, but the stardom bit never came. It was crazy fun while it lasted, but at this point I haven't played out in 10 years. I still try to play every day, and on some days I do still play for hours.

I never really wanted to work with computers, but I'm responsible for 100K of them now. It pays the rent :lol: But more than that, it allows me to enjoy the time I'm not at work. I love spending time with my wife and 4 children, all of whom study TKD as well. Life is good; I can't complain.
Supreme high omnipotent ruler of the world :D

That or an officer in the USN..

Have not got either of those.....yet :EG:
I use to go to Dunkin doughnuts I remember the smell and the many types of doughnuts. I got a job there after highschool. It was actually really fun.
I was surrounded by doughnuts all day it was relaxing. I could eat as many dougnuts as I wanted and take as much food,drink whatever as I wanted. I would sell the old doughnuts to friends and family for half price.

Anyway as I got older I needed more money and Doughnuts don't pay the bills it was fun..
Physicist. When I was a kid I wanted to be the one who discovered the single theory that unified all the forces of nature. The key to the universe. I studied it for a long time, but wound up in something related, but a bit different... just as good, though. But I still keep up with the math and physics. There's nothing more beautiful.

Hah. Me too. I loved theoretical physics. I actually had the all-time high on my theoretical physics exam (relativity and qm) in college.
Once, in the summer, I solved the differential equations for calculating the shape of the p orbital of an electron in 3 dimensions. That was fun.

By the time I finished my masters in electronics, I considered going for a masters in theoretical physics. But by then I got offered a contract at the placed where I made my thesis, and the job was great.
I also looked at the curriculum, and came to the conclusion that the math required was an order of magnitude more difficult than what I'd already gone through, and that it would probably be beyond my reach to graduate, let alone be brilliant enough to get a phd in qc and land one of the really interestig jobs.

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