What to do when you can't sleep?

The capsules of valeriane I was taking was the brand name Dalay, my evacuations (sorry for the word) was of the same color of the pills and when I stop taking them my stomach get better and diarrea desapear.

BTW, I also did use my mind to remeber all the taeguks and the self defense techs of kenpo when lying in bed but this makes me more anxious so I loose the sleep.

Dunno if this helps, but here's what I do...
While lying in bed I'll find a comfy position, stay COMPLETELY still, close my eyes and think...
" Basic One... Turn Left Forward Stance, Low Block"
While visualizing every movement, but not as if I was doing the form, but watching someone else do it. Usually I'm out before I get to the Taegeuks.

Be warned though, when I visualize Taegeuks 5-8 I usually get the urge to get up and do the form! Koryo doesn't do ANYTHING to put me to sleep either, it wakes me up :uhyeah:

PS: I'm not trying to say that forms put me to sleep! I find that mental repetition without any actual activity will calm me. (Maybe just basic 1!)

I was reading through this and thinking "I do patterns in my head slowly in time to slow breaths." I'm glad I'm not the only one! lol

I start at white belt patterns and work my way up slowly. I don't think I've ever managed to stay awake until 4th kup patterns.
I don't know about your country but the US has relatively little oversight of natural medicines. And I'm not necessarily saying that's a bad thing because the people who oversee prescription medicines having power over natural medicines is something that scares me. In any case, the supplement/natural medicine market is full of hucksters so what you buy may contain some, all, or none of what it's supposed to be. So, I would try another source of valerian before I gave up on it.If you snore and are overweight you may also have sleep apnea. This can, among other things make you tired. It can also cause many more severe problems.
On the rare occasion I have trouble sleeping a benadryl puts me out in 5 or 10 minutes 100% of the time.
I'm one that visualizes forms - in extreme detail. (I started doing that in a previous sport that had something similar.) When I only knew a couple of forms I might have to go through them a couple of times. Now that I know 11 I sometimes start with the newest one so that I get a chance to "practice" it. Otherwise, I tend to start mixing things up at about palgue sam jang. Very rarely make it all the way through the palgue forms. That would have meant a whole cup of coffee at 7:30 in the morning!
this may sound really geeky, but i do those word-search puzzles if i cant sleep! Scanning the page to fing the words really makes your eyes tired! as soon as i feel muself nodding off, i turn of the lamp,push the book on the floor and snuggle down!

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