Master Black Belt
I broke my ring finger toe (the one next to the pinky) a few months ago when I walked into the wall!! It was out at a weird angle and hurt like I went to Urgent Care and they gave me a really stylish hard-soled shoe to wear for 6 weeks. I later went to my regular doctor who told me they should have buddy taped it. So....the two doctors disagreed on the taping. Mine was broken in two places and a spiral it wasn't pretty. Anyway, since I couldn't pivot on it without pain, I was pretty much out of karate for those 6 weeks......but it took a full 8 weeks before it stopped hurting. Then, I wore karate shoes for another 3 weeks or so to make sure it was protected. Now, it's back to normal. what you can with it without too much pain- don't overwork it......give it time to heal and wear shoes when you can to keep from re-injuring it right away. Best wishes to you for a speedy recovery.....I know it's not fun!!