What the hell is this

Ummm.......O.K., I give up, what the hell is it? I can't tell if it's supposed to be a joke or if they really believe they won't get destroyed in a fight.
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The only comment is, how do the pants stay up. The only other thing is, it must be some way of trying to wear your opponent down, before they knock you out.
I have heard of jailhouse rock, it was supposed to be a system based on how people fight in jail.

Just another "ultimate combat system" from the 90's
I have heard of jailhouse rock, it was supposed to be a system based on how people fight in jail.
Well I made the mistake of watching this after work...on a Monday. So I stayed awake for a minute-thirty of the vid, and decided this has to be jailhouse not. As in NOThing's happening.

And even the jailhouse part's suspect to me...more like Hip-hop, as in wannabe jailhouse. Sorry. I battle the glorification of this stuff all day, and it is a Monday. :D
It has to be a joke. These guys are pathetic. I am just glad I am not in jail/prison. If I saw someone trying this crap in a fight, I would laugh myself to death.
I haven't seen, or heard to much about this style, but from what I have gathered, 52 Blocks has about a dozen different names. It was supposedly based on how people fight in prison, systemized into a fighting style. It looks like a combination of Boxing, Wing Chun, and Breakdancing. It's suppose to be a Martial Art for Urban Culture.
Jailhouse Rock aka 52 Blocks is an offshoot of 'uprocking' which is a style of dancing from the seventies.

it is related to or, or is the same thing as Comstock, another name for a kung fu inspired* fighting system. we also used to call it 'snake boxing'.

if you watch his 'opponents' , a few of them are comstocking. this is done by slapping the elbows in an alternating fashion.

it's is supposed to be distracting and full of feints.

bottom line, it's fancied up slap boxing.

*from the old chop sockey flicks
There's a lot of conflicting info and some plain b******* on '52 blocks'. I'm not sure exactly where it comes from, some claim prison, others not. But I can say I have seen young black men slap boxing like this, in the 15 years that I've paid any real attention to fighting, from L.A. to New York to Seattle. Many also will approach an actual fight this way. Some use it very effectively, others not so much. It basically seems to be a modified form of street boxing with a lot of hand movements for distraction and feints. I'm not that impressed with most of what I've seen, but it's fun to watch.
Ummm.......O.K., I give up, what the hell is it? I can't tell if it's supposed to be a joke or if they really believe they won't get destroyed in a fight.

I 2nd that. No idea what that stuff is, what the hell they're doing, and frankly, I'd really be surprised if they were able to defend themselves with that.....whatever itis they're doing.
There's a lot of conflicting info and some plain b******* on '52 blocks'. I'm not sure exactly where it comes from, some claim prison, others not. But I can say I have seen young black men slap boxing like this, in the 15 years that I've paid any real attention to fighting, from L.A. to New York to Seattle. Many also will approach an actual fight this way. Some use it very effectively, others not so much. It basically seems to be a modified form of street boxing with a lot of hand movements for distraction and feints. I'm not that impressed with most of what I've seen, but it's fun to watch.

So it's an "working class" phenomena used many by non-whites? Lots of feints and links to dance. Any links to Capoeria?

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