Illegal immigration is tied to unsecure borders, which are a security issue.
If the borders were secure, we wouldn't need BP checkpoints 100 miles inside the country or the "
Constitution Free Zone".
Well. yes and no. Because security and borders, well, they only marginally coincide.
As we all remember, the attacks were not launched from foreign soil, and heck, you can be here legally and up to no good.
Or born here.
I think (ouch, I know) the immigration issue is the smoke screen to distract us from yet another quagmire in the making.
Our real security problems are not the people getting on planes (you know those 7 yo are dangerous!!!), it's going off half cocked into areas we do not understand and don't care to learn about. So we end up stepping on plentiful toes and wonder why nobody likes us. The proverbial bull in the china shop.
Naturally that we pick and choose our causes rather self serving does not help either.
But that has nothing to do with INS or BP.
Then of course there is that 'logic' factor:
Logically we should not have been in Iraq, but ONLY in Afghanistan, if indeed catching Bin Laden was the prime objective.
Or (sorry for you dark skinned folk with middle Eastern heritage) profile <gaspeth> I know - the attackers and conduct investigations - and security screenings - accordingly.
But considering all the junk that's shipped in an airplane that is not scanned... :lfao: fingering passengers is a joke.