Master Black Belt
Greetings All,
I thought this may help other users that look for protection gear. Sparring gear is personal taste. Check with the instructor(s) to see what the minimum requirement is for your training hall/gym.
Head Protection: Twins Special (HGL 2)
Gloves: Twins Special 12oz (FBGV 8)
Shin Guards: Twins Special (SGL 2)
Mouth Guard: Shock Doctor
Groin Protector: Shock Doctor
A great place to get Twins Special in the US is:
I prefer leather than vinyl because they last longer.
What about others? What's in your bag when you spar? Also know a good place to buy the equipment?
I thought this may help other users that look for protection gear. Sparring gear is personal taste. Check with the instructor(s) to see what the minimum requirement is for your training hall/gym.
Head Protection: Twins Special (HGL 2)
Gloves: Twins Special 12oz (FBGV 8)
Shin Guards: Twins Special (SGL 2)
Mouth Guard: Shock Doctor
Groin Protector: Shock Doctor
A great place to get Twins Special in the US is:
I prefer leather than vinyl because they last longer.
What about others? What's in your bag when you spar? Also know a good place to buy the equipment?