What Religion??

The reason that I've considered converting, is that I simply find it to fit me better than christianity.

I'm curious what that means. I mean, Christianity or Islam or whatever are about the nature of reality and what is truth. It's not about 'what fits me' but abuot 'what is true'. Jesus is either God, as the Christian believe, or just a man and prophet, as the Muslims believe. Mohammad was either the greatest prophet of God, as the Muslims believe, or a false prophet, as the Christians believe. It's not a matter of "What fits me" but "what I think is true". Like a physics scientist saying "well, I believe in string theory 'cause it fits me better". It should be "I believe in string theory because after looking at the evidence, I think it is the truth"

I guess I'm not sure I understand the idea of "I believe one thing but I'm thinking of believing something else because it fits me better?" What do you beleive to be true?
I am a "pentecostal" Christian...

Pentecostal = we believe that God still works miracles and heals people in response to our prayer

Christian = disciple or follower of Jesus Christ, literally "little Christ" or "Christ-like"

And BTW, I'm an ordained minister.
FearlessFreep said:
I guess I'm not sure I understand the idea of "I believe one thing but I'm thinking of believing something else because it fits me better?" What do you beleive to be true?
You're dealing with levels of subjective "truths" in this case. Along similar lines, if you take TKD, but see a boxing match one day, and boxing seems more appealing to you and you take up boxing instead, does that make one truer than the other?

Or a musician that focuses mainly on the piano. Why do that? What's more "right" about the piano than a xylophone?
FearlessFreep said:
I'm curious what that means. I mean, Christianity or Islam or whatever are about the nature of reality and what is truth. It's not about 'what fits me' but abuot 'what is true'. Jesus is either God, as the Christian believe, or just a man and prophet, as the Muslims believe. Mohammad was either the greatest prophet of God, as the Muslims believe, or a false prophet, as the Christians believe. It's not a matter of "What fits me" but "what I think is true". Like a physics scientist saying "well, I believe in string theory 'cause it fits me better". It should be "I believe in string theory because after looking at the evidence, I think it is the truth"

I guess I'm not sure I understand the idea of "I believe one thing but I'm thinking of believing something else because it fits me better?" What do you beleive to be true?
As I wrote earlier, I'm only technically a christian. My parents are protestants, and therefor I'm a member of the protestant church. Until a few years ago I'd never even thought about religion, so it's not like I used to believe in christianity and now believe in islam. As far as what is true, who can say? There is no way we'll ever have any solid evidence that one religion is correct, so my interest in islam is based on the tenets of it.
Christian. I attend an independant, fundamental, bible-believing, bible banging, foot stomping, pew jumping, door knocking, soul winning, devil chasing, sin hating, King James only version Baptist. If you want the specifics.
Shogun said:
I know there is going to be some debate about this topic. some people wont answer this question, and thats fine. Its a simple question really. War is not needed.

I am a practicing Shinto.
link to Shrine
War isn't needed....if you are someone who is satisfied with what you have. Unfortunately people are not satisfied and war takes place.

Aikido is influenced heavily by the idea of war is not needed, that come in part from Shinto and O'Sensei's experience being part of a war politically and physically. He felt war and violence isn't a good thing. That peace and harmony are for the betterment of society. With the understanding that there are people who don't feel as you do. As idealistic as this is, I think it was a movement to have the majority of people embrace the avoidance of war, and the acceptance of peace and harmony among people. The problem is people want more and want what others have, this creates war.

I brought up Aikido because of Shinto's influence on Aikido.
Hmm. If I wanted to get technical about it, I'd say I'm a Solitary Ecclectic Non-Denominational Neo-Pagan. Generally, I label myself a witch, get the initial reaction over with, and answer questions.

No sacrifices except from myself, final responsibility for all my actions, recognition of the "divine" in everything. I'm still having some trouble defining what that "divine" is for me. But I guess the thing to say about my religion (would spirituality be a better term here?) is that I can find as much transcendence in a busride as I can in an hour-long meditation, and as much ritual in a freestyle sparring class as in a full Catholic Latin Mass.

Oh, and a big thing for me is tolerance. Most of the religions out there are not for me; I don't enjoy restrictions on worship as I consider it to be an extremely private part of my life. But I have no right to tell someone else their path is wrong.
Is anyone a Druid? In Northern California there is a town that was dedicated to the Druid religion? At one time, possibilily still many of the city leaders and community leaders where followers of the Druid religion. They even have a public monument dedicated to the Druid religion on a street corner. Lots of oak trees in that area of California.
I find areas of particular religions interesting, particularly zen buddhism but i am by no means a religious follower of any kind. I'm not athiest or agnostic either i just don't concern myself with a lot of the questions religions raise. I concentrate more on on being a respectful and upstanding person and care not of what happens after this life or what came before.
AikidoCal said:
Is anyone a Druid? In Northern California there is a town that was dedicated to the Druid religion? At one time, possibilily still many of the city leaders and community leaders where followers of the Druid religion. They even have a public monument dedicated to the Druid religion on a street corner. Lots of oak trees in that area of California.
What community are you talking about? Are you referring to Bohemian Grove?

I am Unitarian Universalist. I'm not sure if I mentioned that before...
The town I was speaking of pertaining to Druids is a small town on the way to Lake Tahoe called Placerville. We passed through some years ago on vacation to Lake Tahoe. We just happened to stop and look around and passed by the monument and read it. On it, it tells about the Druid history of the town I mentioned. I thought it was an interesting thing to have a town in the US to have openly practicing Druids. An old religion you don't hear much of.
Druidism is a modern religion. Less than two hundred years old.
TonyM. said:
Druidism is a modern religion. Less than two hundred years old.
You might want to look deeper. ;-) I have found text on Druids over 2000 years old. Pre Dating Christinanity