As a police officer, I want to keep a few steps ahead of the bad guys as best as I can. A few months ago, I was searching the Net for a a new martial art I could train in, and came upon somes sites about Arnis. After doing allot of research, I figured it was right up my alley. I have been trained with riot batons, ASP batons, and PR-24's both solid and collapsible, so Arnis was right up my alley. What impressed me the most about Arnis was not matter what type of strike you are executing, it is all the same no matter if you have a stick, blade or open hand. And, I am 39 years old, so I am nto to keen on having to duke it out with someone on the street for an extended period of time. Arnis is quick and to the point. I really thought I would never be able to train with an instructor since everyone I contacted in my area, (near Baltimore) did not conduct training in the morning, I work 3-11 shift. But I was told about Guro Bobby Ladra, of Apolo's East Coast Karate and the rest is history. Guro Bobby just left to go to the P.I to train for 3 months, so I can not wait forhim to return to see what he has learned. In the meantime, his brother, Guro Apolo is training me.