What MA book would you recommend?

If I was asked this question, I would say Rex Applegate's "Kill or be Killed" provided they desired practical self defense. Next on the list would be W.E. Fairbairn's, "Get Tough" and lastly, Greg Anderson's "Weapons at Hand." They all go together very well, and provide excellent instruction for battle and street tested combat martial arts techniques, clearly written with excellent illustrations or photographs. What MA book or books would you recomend?
I would recommend "The Warrior Within" by Bruce Lee because you cant really learn martial arts from a book but you can learn the philosophy.
For those studying the Japanese Budo/Bujutsu arts, you might like, 'The Demon's Sermon on the Martial Arts' by Issai Chozanshi (Translated by William Scott Wilson) or another translated Mr. Wilson, 'The Book of Five Rings' by Miyamoto Musashi. I particularly like Go Rin no Sho because of its side-by-side translation from the old dialect Japanese to the modern Japanese and English. A great find for those who study the Japanese language and history.
Draeger's Budo/Bujutsu trilogy is great as are his books on judo.

Morgan's LIVING THE MARTIAL WAY is excellent. It's an added bonus to know that he lives what he preaches.
Hello, Any and all of Loren Christensen books...the most modern writer today....especially his latest books -because it is base on over 25 years of experience in his life of training.

The gift of Fear....(this book teaches you to trust your intincts)

Sun Tzu's "The Art of War" is must reading for any martial artist. "Below the Belt" by Bradley J. Steiner is excellent for women as is W.E. Fairbairn's "Hands Off!", both written specifically for women, but men can get something out of both as well. "No Second Chance" By Bradley J. Steiner is an excellent book regarding self defense against an attacker with a weapon.

Not a book but a free online newsletter, Sword and Pen" put out by The International Combat Martial Arts Federation each month is quite good. You can access it by clicking: www.americancombato.com The past two months newsletter's were particularly good.
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