My personal favorite for coffee is a Vietnamese coffee called Cao Nguyen. Vietnamese coffee has a unique taste, strong but no bitter. It is also the only coffee, imho, that retains sufficient flavor iced to be worth drinking.
http://www.howtobrewcoffee.com/Vietnamese.htm shows how it is usually made. I have made it in a french press, but I don't think it is a good that way. I really don't like the Cafe Du Monde with chicory. As a last resort (Vietnamese coffee can be hard to get), I may drink it, but may just as well not and switch to some other aribica.
When I first encountered it in Vietnam, I was introduced to the iced version. I liked it. Later, I learned to drink it hot. Even iced, it should be prepared hot first, then after any sugar and sweetened condensed milk is put in, poured over the ice. I eventually moved away from sugar and sweetened condensed milk, until I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. For some reason, I then began craving it with sweetener, so I began using Equal or now, Splenda.
All that said, after many years in the US Army, I can still drink and enjoy just about any coffee if I don't have a choice. :uhyeah:
Vietnamese coffee is overwhelmingly of the robusta variety and therefore can't be any good.

Here in Texas, most of the Vietnamese cafes use Cafe Du Monde with chicory for their iced coffee drinks. It's easy to get and I guess it does the job if you're going to add lots of ice and sweetened condensed milk anyway.