What kind of Coffee Do You Buy?

You all sound so independently wealthy. :) I like me some MJB; because, it tastes good when it should. Sometimes Yuban is on sale, and when I don't want to spend the extra $.50 I break out the Western Family. :)
LOL, I am going through several different coffees right now. I got a compliment on my coffee: Brewed on the 9$ Walmart special drip brewer, stocked with cheap filter paper and three scoops of plain regular Folgers to a pot (12 cups) of water! :lol: But then, the lady had to scale back on her lifestyle quiet a bit....had not had any coffee in a while....
You all sound so independently wealthy. :) I like me some MJB; because, it tastes good when it should. Sometimes Yuban is on sale, and when I don't want to spend the extra $.50 I break out the Western Family. :)

Your an old school coffee man. Nothing wrong with that.
I'm partial to Indonesian coffees.....something that's develoed over the last 2 or 3 years. Right now, I'm really enjoying Cost Plus World Market's Sumatra, which is a medium roast, and a bargain at $9.99 for 24oz.


And I'm lazy, so I don't grind my own beans much anymore. Got a Cuisinart coffee maker that has a built-in grinder, and can be set automatically....


The grinder makes a helluva racket for 03:30 am, though, so Rita-that's the wife-says it has to stay in the man-cave.

Fine with me. :lfao:
Just to throw in a different view...

I don't drink coffee. Despite about 30 years of night shifts, I've never aquired a taste for it. I think coffee smells heavenly. Tastes like ***.

Conversations like this leave me bemused and befuddled...
I had a shift partner who retired a year ago who hated coffee, he was an ex Para (1 Parachute Regt.) said coffee was for women and Yanks.........
Just to throw in a different view...

I don't drink coffee. Despite about 30 years of night shifts, I've never aquired a taste for it. I think coffee smells heavenly. Tastes like ***.

Conversations like this leave me bemused and befuddled...

That's why I'll get a shot of espresso, and a cup of cream and sugar. :D
Just to throw in a different view...

I don't drink coffee. Despite about 30 years of night shifts, I've never aquired a taste for it. I think coffee smells heavenly. Tastes like ***.

Conversations like this leave me bemused and befuddled...
This is just me, but I love the taste of coffee. If you so much as add a hint of sugar, it starts to taste like the dog poo you describe. LOL I like Mochas, but that is just milk chocolate flavored with coffee. @_@ I think if a person cuts sugar out of their diet, they can begins to taste the natural sweetness of the coffee bean. I use the sugar for my cereal. :)
This is just me, but I love the taste of coffee. If you so much as add a hint of sugar, it starts to taste like the dog poo you describe. LOL I like Mochas, but that is just milk chocolate flavored with coffee. @_@ I think if a person cuts sugar out of their diet, they can begins to taste the natural sweetness of the coffee bean. I use the sugar for my cereal. :)

There is a man after my own heart. Nothing ruins the taste of coffee like sugar, IMO :)'
Hey, I'm looking for some coffee recommendations. I'm no coffee snob. I just use a regular drip brewer. I do have my own bean grinder though honestly I've been known to buy pre-ground beans at the grocery store. Yeah, yeah, I know. :)

Can you all share what you buy to make at home? Some of my likes are Starbucks Pike Place, Starbucks Cafe Verona, Community Coffee Cafe Roast Blend, Independence Coffee Jet Fuel, Stewarts Kona Blend, Gevalia Traditional Roast. I'm working through a bag of Dunkin Donuts Mocha Mint and Archer Farms (Target) Gingerbread right now.

I buy whole bean from a local roaster and grind it as needed for a French press. I've ordered a couple tubes from https://regularcoffee.com/ recently and have been very happy with the brews.
Tried some of the Newman's Own Special Decaf at the grocery store last night as as a demonstrating was pushing the Keurig machine. Very watery with little body which surprised me since the packaging claims it is robust and satisfying. I wouldn't buy it. Made by Green Mountain Coffee.

I did purchase some Gevalia Traditional Roast, another commonly available coffee from Kraft Foods, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Strong but not bitter. Slightly sweet overtones. Not expensive at all.
Tried some of the Newman's Own Special Decaf at the grocery store last night as as a demonstrating was pushing the Keurig machine. Very watery with little body which surprised me since the packaging claims it is robust and satisfying. I wouldn't buy it. Made by Green Mountain Coffee.

I did purchase some Gevalia Traditional Roast, another commonly available coffee from Kraft Foods, and I enjoyed it quite a bit. Strong but not bitter. Slightly sweet overtones. Not expensive at all.
maybe it's because of the decaf....the Newmans Own regular packs a pretty wallop IMO. Keurigly speaking.
Or they forgot to change the K cup...Aand ran too much water through it.
maybe it's because of the decaf....the Newmans Own regular packs a pretty wallop IMO. Keurigly speaking.
Or they forgot to change the K cup...Aand ran too much water through it.

No, the demonstrator changed the cup right in front of me for my cup. Maybe it was a 'bad' K-Cup. I've heard sometimes the coffee simply runs through too quickly and it makes a weak cup when that happens. Or as you say it's the decaf? I don't drink decaf at all normally.

On a funny side note, I've heard from a student of mine who is a barista that they 'decaf' customers that make them mad. Wow. Definitely we should never mess with people that prepare our foods.
I'm partial to Indonesian coffees.....something that's develoed over the last 2 or 3 years. Right now, I'm really enjoying Cost Plus World Market's Sumatra, which is a medium roast, and a bargain at $9.99 for 24oz.

That's a great deal. I'll have to check it out since I do like Starbucks Sumatra.
My personal favorite for coffee is a Vietnamese coffee called Cao Nguyen. Vietnamese coffee has a unique taste, strong but no bitter. It is also the only coffee, imho, that retains sufficient flavor iced to be worth drinking.

http://www.howtobrewcoffee.com/Vietnamese.htm shows how it is usually made. I have made it in a french press, but I don't think it is a good that way. I really don't like the Cafe Du Monde with chicory. As a last resort (Vietnamese coffee can be hard to get), I may drink it, but may just as well not and switch to some other aribica.

When I first encountered it in Vietnam, I was introduced to the iced version. I liked it. Later, I learned to drink it hot. Even iced, it should be prepared hot first, then after any sugar and sweetened condensed milk is put in, poured over the ice. I eventually moved away from sugar and sweetened condensed milk, until I was diagnosed with type II diabetes. For some reason, I then began craving it with sweetener, so I began using Equal or now, Splenda.

All that said, after many years in the US Army, I can still drink and enjoy just about any coffee if I don't have a choice. :uhyeah:
Peets Coffee, a California coffee company. My brother in law is a bigwig there and got me hooked. I keep calling him a drug dealer! I haven't found my favorite blend, but Maj. Dickinsons blend is up there on my list! This coffee trumps Starbucks and the coffee bean!

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