What is your favorite "throw-away" scene from any movie?


Mostly Harmless
Just for fun, and because I love movies, let's hear your favorite disposable scenes. I'm talking about scenes you still remember from movies that, while memorable, did nothing to further the plot or develop characters.

I'll give a couple of examples to get the ball rolling.

The scene from Spider Man where the street vendor says, "Do a backflip":

Similar scene from Wonder Woman when she gets ice cream for the first time. "You should be very proud!"

Mine are both from superhero movies, but they can be from any genre.
This is slightly off topic - as the entire movie should be burned and the producers charged with false advertising.

The film Hanging Up (2000) staring Walter Matthau, Diane Keaton, Meg Ryan and Lisa Kudrow.

ALL the ads for the movie showed people laughing, looked like a romantic comedy, couldn't be anything but. I went to the theater that very day.

It was a film about an elderly man having dementia. It was the saddest, dreariest, bummer of a film I've ever seen. People here walked out. So did I.

Of the laughing scenes they showed most had been cut, some remained - all twenty seconds of them.
I always got a kick out of Chuck Norris/Col. Braddock smashing his TV in Missing Action. :D The scene didn't do much for the movie, except showing that the character was really pissed off and lacked a degree of self-control.

Oh, and that buying a new TV was a piece of cake for a Hollywood star, of course. :D
In the Director's Cut of Daredevil (Ben Affleck) there were a lot of scenes that got cut from the theatrical release that REALLY should have been in there.

1) Whole subplot about the police corruption when Murdock is defending an innocent man and tying the crime all back to Kingpin.

2) The roof scene where Daredevil/Elektra kiss and then the next scene is shows her all pissed off at Daredevil and there is no explanation. In the DC of the movie, he hears someone yelling for help and just leaves her standing there alone in the rain on the roof.

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