What is your favorite Handgun......

  • Thread starter Thread starter Chicago Green Dragon
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I am a big Glock fan. I have a .45, but carry a .40 at work. I would also like to pick up a .357 or 38 special revolver.
The handguns I have shot includde:

9mm Glock
.40 Colt Semi Auto
357 Magnum S/W 2 1/2 inch barrel
357 Magnum S/W 6 inch Barrel
.44 Magnum Colt 6 inch Barrel
.45 calibure powder gun (Lots of fun BTW)
9mm Ruger semi auto
.45 Kimber Eclipse
.45 Kimber Ultra Ten
.45 SIG Arms P220
.45 Heckler and Kock USP Expert

There are a few other small calibure hand guns that I have fired as well. Of the guns that I have fired I would have to say that it is a toss up between the P220 and the kimber Eclipse. I still want to shoot the Kimber TLE .45 and the new 1911 GSR tacticle hand gun that SIG is coming out with. Us californians have to wait a while still for further testing. Any way i hope to be purchasing one soon.

Mike Miller UKF

No other handgun has the variety of aftermarket accessories available that a good old 1911 has. It's a customizers dream gun.

The single action trigger pull is the sweetest trigger pull of any handgun. No pivoting trigger.

Get a GI armorers manual and teach yourself how to field strip the gun down to the smallest part. Now if anything happens to your gun short of a cracked frame you'll be able to fix it yourself. Try that with a Beretta, Sig, etc.

More spare parts available than any other handgun.
I'd have to agree with your thoughts on the 1911a1 model Uechi Rooster for the reasons you brought up and many more.

I've been shooting for approximately 30 years; had quite a bit of training by Uncle Sam, state agencies and private experts. I've shot many different models and makes of handguns, some that were prototypes or "experiments." I never find anything that tops the 1911 platform in overall performance. But I still like to look. :D
My fav. Hand Gun wwould have to be the Glock. 45 you could poor sand in those things and theyed still fire hec you could even shoot em' underwater.:ak47: :mp5:
I have totally changed my mind about the Mini Firestorm 40 S/W~!!
The grip fit my hand.. it was a great weight.. but mannnn... went to the firing range a couple weeks ago and that mini kicked harder than the 45~!!!
Even Seig and another friend of ours Randy were flabbergasted by it's recoil~!
sooo I'm gonna retire that and get something else.. My shoulder *bad rotater cuff and bad elbow* are still aching~!

The good ole smith and wesson model 66 combat revolver .357 mag all stainless with hogue grips.
Chicago Green Dragon said:
That is a tuff one for me. I love the sig p226 9mm ver., black finish, night sights. Fits great in my hand and fires fantastic.

But, I also love Glocks too, whether its a 9, 40 or 45. Glock makes some beautiful and fantastic guns. The only bad thing is on Chicago (police) you can't carry a Glock as a duty weapon.

What is your favorite handgun?

Chicago Green
Dragon :asian:

With good reason. They simply shoot to easily. Every department that has switched to them has had their AD's go through the roof. When New York originally switched to them, there were so many they sent them back to increase the trigger spring. Thus the "New York Trigger."

The weapon has an internal hammer/striker that is carried essentially "cocked" but not locked. Depression of the trigger deactivates the "safe action" and the weapon fires with the minimum effort of a cocked weapon.

Great gun, super reliable, fun to shoot on the range, but under high stress conditions of law enforcement many departments have opted out. Most that do allow them are cold/damp weather places where the reliability outweighs the negatives. I have friends and students in DEA, FBI, and local agencies that won't touch them. I know of three veterans that shot themselves with AD's from Glocks. Great gun but requires extradordinary training to carry everyday.
One of the few subjects we agree on Doc. There is some film footage of a government operator, I'm not sure which agency problably ATF shooting himself in the foot while going up a ladder then stopping to adjust his sidearm and his gun went off. The gun in the holster looked like a glock but I can't be sure. I believe it happened at the Waco Texas incident.


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