What is your favorite Handgun......

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Without a doubt the Glock model 27 (40 caliber) plenty of knock down power and with the extension on the clip it fits the hand very well and is one of the easiest firearms to conceal, especially while holstered with a fobus paddle holster.
Originally posted by ibba
Without a doubt the Glock model 27 (40 caliber) plenty of knock down power and with the extension on the clip it fits the hand very well and is one of the easiest firearms to conceal, especially while holstered with a fobus paddle holster.
Glocks are either those guns that you either obsessively hate or love, or you just don't care, nothing in between.

I'm in the "don't care" group. I've had a few glocks, sold them... They were VERY reliable, barely short of the reliability of a revolver. However, the gun doesn't fit a lot of people's hands (it's awkward, blocky, and ugly).

There are some instances on how the .40s explode due to certain problems in the frame, but those are extremely rare.

What I don't like most about Glock is their customer service... They're like the Smith and Wesson, on how every problem consumers complained about was themselves, not the gun. The typical response would be "shoot 500 more rounds and get better", even though there are some recorded problems with certain models (none that LEOs really use) and they say there are no problems with the gun, just that their form is off and so on.
I have two faves. A Cylinder & Slide modified Tactical carry Hi-power. A Colt Jim Hoag Government model Tactical. Both are superb. However, goota go with the long rifle as favorite gun. M1A superior weapon.
Originally posted by gozanryu
I have two faves. A Cylinder & Slide modified Tactical carry Hi-power. A Colt Jim Hoag Government model Tactical. Both are superb. However, goota go with the long rifle as favorite gun. M1A superior weapon.
I do like M1's. Personally prefer the old WWII M1 Garands and M1 Carbines. However, I would prefer a M14 over the M1 Garand/Carbine
My favorite has got to be the Ruger P-89 9mm
I've once fired (a friend's) Colt 1911 (.45) and liked that as well.
Glocks are good...just not for me.
1911 in .45, need I say more...in my opinion the best self-defense, duty, or combat handgun ever. I've got a Colt gov. model and am planning to buy a Kimber Pro-carry (commander-length) within the next month or so.
other than that, probably a Ruger Super-Blackhawk
General / Defense: Glock 20

Backup / General: Smith & Wesson 38

Target: Feinwerkbau AW93

Target Practice: Steyr LP10
Originally posted by loki09789
Why a Kimber ACP and not a PARA-Ordnance? Just asking

There are several reasons that I chose the Kimber over the Para-Ordnace; the main reason being that they have been selected (after extensive testing) for issue to L.A. SWAT as well as other police and military units. also the fact that I'm really not interested in Para's hi-cap models (i.e. the P-14) and I don't like the LDA models. I'd really like either an Ed Brown Kobra or a Wilson CQB but those are a little out of my price range...okay, WAY out of my price range...lol.
Ruger P91DC .40 cal... excellent handgun, reliable during firing, built like a tank, comfortable design. If you don't mind the weight, I'd suggest it in a heartbeat.
Have three short guns that I chose and use for personal protection.
1. Model 22 Glock .40 with an old laser sight (gift from wife)
2. S&W .357 with 2.5 inch barrel
3. AutoOrdinance .45 ACP. built by contract to Colt during WWII.

Love the Glock (Ugly but effective in a fight, much like me ... :uhyeah: ). Love the .45 (great stopping power without getting hi-tech, silly, and expensive), and definitely love the wheel gun (.357 has more one shot kills recorded than any other hand gun, or so I have been led to believe by an ER Doctor).
Cthulhu said:
I just find it funny...revolver for a .45 Automatic Colt Pistol round :D


Actually, don't know if they still do or not, but Smith & Wesson used to make a really nice pistol that shot .45 acp... Had to use the moon clips to, so it wasn't really all that functional unless you carried a big bag of pre-clipped ammo.
I love my SIG P220 and S&W 4515.

but i also am more of a long gun sorta guy. %-}

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