What is your favorite gun...

I'd be quite very interested in a Springfield XD45 if you could ****in' buy them here :soapbox:

Texas is callin' my name, by the end of the year if I am very lucky.
I'd be quite very interested in a Springfield XD45 if you could ****in' buy them here :soapbox:

Texas is callin' my name, by the end of the year if I am very lucky.

You can't get an XD45 up there? What kinda state is that place you call home. I don't think I could handle living there.

I was thinking Montana or somewhere that allow legal ownership of class III. I want, but don't want to pay that crappy Federal Tax Stamp.
You can't get an XD45 up there? What kinda state is that place you call home. I don't think I could handle living there.

The People's Republik of Massachusettstan has a rule in place, that all guns must have a certain amount of safety features (many of which are useless), and that firearms made after 1998 cannot be sold unless they have those features. Thus, all Glocks made after the cutoff date cannot be sold to law-abiding civilians in MA. Here's a pretty good summary of what is, and isn't, allowed:



The Attorney General of MA is an idiot, and is one of the most anti-gun people out there, so the folks in MA are unfortunately out of luck here.

I was thinking Montana or somewhere that allow legal ownership of class III. I want, but don't want to pay that crappy Federal Tax Stamp.

You'll have to pay it for any Class III weapon, since it's a federal regulation. The good news, though, is that most states do allow Class III ownership with the proper paperwork, which isn't too difficult to get.
I was thinking Montana or somewhere that allow legal ownership of class III. I want, but don't want to pay that crappy Federal Tax Stamp.

Also, get ready for the alien, er, FBI anal probe. I swear this is where those stories come from.
I had said that my favorite gun was the TSW 5906 (S&W), a 9mm but that is my favorite handgun, my favorite rifle is a personally assembled AR-15 with 14.5" barrel (has a welded 5.5" flash hider to make it legal, a flat top upper with red dot site and YHM back-up mechanica rear site, a collapsible stock and an aftermarket rail with vertical grip): I build AR's to friends' specs as a hobby. For a shotgun, due to my LE profession I like the 870 with 18.5" barrel, rifle sites, pistol grip stock and side saddle.

What a trio-
I like the Taurus .38 with the 3 inch barrel or the Bersa 380 cal.

As far as rifles go I like the AK-47 with the folding stalk. I don't like the M-16. The M-16 jams to much.

I also like the 12 guage shot gun.
You can't get an XD45 up there? What kinda state is that place you call home. I don't think I could handle living there.


A) No, I can't.

B) This isn't the place I call home, I just had the misfortune to be born here, and raised here, but I sure as **** ain't gonna die here. This is not "home" this is just where I live.

C) I know. Neither can I. That's why I got the gears grinding on GTFO.
A) No, I can't.

B) This isn't the place I call home, I just had the misfortune to be born here, and raised here, but I sure as **** ain't gonna die here. This is not "home" this is just where I live.

C) I know. Neither can I. That's why I got the gears grinding on GTFO.

If you make it to KS LMK. We are a bunch better then where you are now.
A) No, I can't.

B) This isn't the place I call home, I just had the misfortune to be born here, and raised here, but I sure as **** ain't gonna die here. This is not "home" this is just where I live.

C) I know. Neither can I. That's why I got the gears grinding on GTFO.

What state do you live in??? I can get whatever gyun I want here in Kentucky (legally I might add). I can get an AK-47, an AR-15, MAC-10, M-16, any type pistol or rifle or shotgun. Hell, I saw an M-60 for sale in the gun shop the other day. Thats the thing on a tank. All you have to do is show a drivers license and wait for 10 minutes for the background check to clear and your home free. :)
STG 77
colt commando
AK 47
Glock pistols
Oldschool mauser Walther ppk + p99
sig sauer
h+k mp5
steyr gb

probably the coolest most powerful gun of all is the full auto shotgun

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Nope, it's full auto. You have to check it out later! 2 different kinds of amo- Fires 300 rounds a minute. 120 rpm for the exploding amo! Can put 20 exploding projectiles in a target in 4 seconds.

Nope, it's full auto. You have to check it out later! 2 different kinds of amo- Fires 300 rounds a minute. 120 rpm for the exploding amo! Can put 20 exploding projectiles in a target in 4 seconds.


Cool. Sounds like I'd like that. What's the price on something like that? Around here an AK-47 sells for $350.00. And a glock pistol goes for about $500.00.
I think it's pretty much exclusively designed for military purposes. I can't really imagine any other constructive use for such a monster-
you could probably shoot down an entire flock of endangered ducks with a single shot...hehe but then again, that would be a nono

STG 77
colt commando
AK 47
Glock pistols
Oldschool mauser Walther ppk
sig sauer
h+k mp5
steyr gb

probably the coolest most powerful gun of all is the full auto shotgun

I have one of these but it needs to be resmithed and that just hasn't be high on the to-do list. It was the Best valentines day present ever!!!!!!
BUt my favorite is , well 1 guess. (hint .308 custom sniper rifle)

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