What is your favorite gun...

Tgace said:

Link to another forum's archive regarding the maximum effective range for rifles. Some good points are made...

I max out at 300 yds when hunting big game with my 30.06; it's as far as I feel I can place the bullet with extreme accuracy. I don't like the idea of letting an animal get away just to suffer and die somewhere. The 30.06 isn't the best long-range round anyway. 7mm magnum is probably one of the longest that comes in a package light enough that you can still sturmf around in the woods all day.
Clint Eastwood use two 1851 Navy revolvers in .44. The Colt Walker was disigned for the Texas Rangers. The walker was so big and heavy that it was carried in a holster mounted on the sadle of there horses. For movie geeks like myself, you can see a good Colt Walker in the movie Lonesome Dove. Robert Dovall uses one to pistol wip a bartender. When you compair the two movies you will see that the Walker is much larger than the 1851 from Josie Wales.

Back to the subject of this thread...

My favorite gun that I use the most, Glock 22 .40cal. along with my AR-15. I used a SIG P220 for a long time but it malfunctioned to the point that I could not trust it any longer.
Will Bourland said:
My favorite gun that I use the most, Glock 22 .40cal. along with my AR-15. I used a SIG P220 for a long time but it malfunctioned to the point that I could not trust it any longer.
Yes, the G-22 IS nice. But I loke a 20 compensated.
This should be a simple one...what's your favorite firearm. It could be one you own, or don't own.

I'm more of a a pistolcraft guy so...

My favorite is Sig Sauer 225 9mm for civilian use. I would probably prefer the 226 if I knew I was going to be in a firefight and needed a lot of rounds.

I would like to get a couple of single action Colt .45 Army issue's to play with at some point as well...just call me Jose Whales, :rolleyes:

How about you...what is your favorite?

Paul :ultracool

my fav is my baby a 257 weatherby mag it isn't anything to kill a deer at 450 yards. next would have to be my ar-15
Shotgun - Winchester 1300 Defender Stainless Marine

Rifle - Ruger 30.06 All Weather

I'm a pistol guy also. Just bought a Springfield XD 40 Cal. Sweet isn't the word for it, but tough as nails also.

I do like the Kimber Pro-Carry II, but dang, their high.
I never liked the Glock, it just didn’t look right. I went to my buddy to buy a 9mm and he talked me into a .40 Glock model 23. After shooting it, it was love at first “sight“. J
Rifle-my Stag Model 1
Shotgun-my Remmington 870 tactical
Plinker-Ruger 10/22
Carry gun-Kahr CW9(followed closely by my G17&G21sf)
Competition gun-my G34(at leastti started out as an off the shelf G34)
M66-1 Smith & Wesson Combat Masterpiece. Pinned in barrel, recessed chambers, zero-zero tolerance tight. Secret Service boot grips. Shoots dead on with Silvertip 145gr magnums. And a very slick action!

It is maybe the only handgun I will be burried with! I have lots of others, but I got this one many many years ago and I've never even considered tradeing it off.

M66-1 Smith & Wesson Combat Masterpiece. Pinned in barrel, recessed chambers, zero-zero tolerance tight. Secret Service boot grips. Shoots dead on with Silvertip 145gr magnums. And a very slick action!

It is maybe the only handgun I will be burried with! I have lots of others, but I got this one many many years ago and I've never even considered tradeing it off.


It wouldn't happen to look likethis one would it?


I just got rid of this one, in hopes of replacing it with a small carry revolver.
Pistol: Smith & Wesson Model 10 .38 Special with 4 inch barrel, fixed sights.
Rifle: Winchester Model 94 in 30-30 caliber.
Shotgun: Any old break-top double-barreled 12 gauge will do. Rather fond of an old Sears model unknown.

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