Senior Master
One of the funniest things I ever saw happened on Spitzbergen last year (see photos in my album) where I and my friends were driving to this ice-locked ship in the Temple Fjord where they among other things serve food. On the way there we pass by an area where hundereds of seals are lying on the ice enjoying the sun next to their escape holes. Of course we tried to get closer for saying hello and taking some pictures but they would bounce their fat bodies up in the air and dive vertically into the hole when they thought they were in danger. Next to one hole I approached were two particularily fat ones, each probably twice the size of some of the other seals. At the exact same moment both decided that the silly human on on a snowmobile was close enough, tried to get into the same hole and smacked together in the air (both tails in the air, head straight downdards) so hard I could hear it over my engine over ten meters away. Both went flying landed in a mess and slid quite a distance before they regained their senses. Nearly fell off my snowmobile laughing