Well that's an interesting thread for no other reason than to observe a bunch of people disregarding every convention and courtesy they would like seen applied to their own art.
Any one involved in martial art for any length of time should be able to see through the comments made there. So many comments made by people who have never trained in the system, so many posts by one man who attempts to speak with authority about his experiences with the System even though he hasn't attended two full classes.
The Thread then ends with a list of 3 video clips, presented by a guy WHO is hiding his identity. He then makes ascertains about the clips that have no foundation in terms of the context of what is being presented. One of the clips in question I have Sound knowledge of as I filmed it. More on that later.
The first 2 clips are referenced with remarks such as:
Tell me if people really attack the way depicted in the videos or react the way that they do. Ask yourself if the techniques depicted look like something you could do to a real life attacker.and practical do they look:
These are comments that come on a FMA based forum. Talk about audacity. Tell me Sumbrada or Siniwali, orNumerado are indicative of how someone will "attack" in a real life encounter! Is carenza a real fight even though there is only one of you? Oh, what? they are only training drills?!?!
Need I really say more... How dare people with more "training drills" than any other art.... chastise, criticize and make unfounded accusations about that Which is analogous to exactly what they do.
The third clip, which I filmed! I can tell you this. the man attacking is one of the most resistant partners I've come across in any art. The takedowns are real. It was a drill, only grabs were allowed, the clip was edited to show some of the more interesting movements, but its all very real. The same woman in those clips volunteered to work with the Iowa State police force and accomplished the same types of movements against trained police officers and nationally ranked collegiate wrestlers. I've seen her tie up and subdue multiple professionals by herself.
She can group a bevy of bullets in a small cicumfrence at any range, and hit harder than the majority of people who wear a blackbelt. She's one of the first people I'd choose for my "team" if push came to ****, and I pitty the person who can't see the value in that.
Arthur Sennott