What is Martial Spirit to you?


Orange Belt
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] What is Martial Arts Spirit to you?

Some of us do so for the love of the art, the cool buzz we get from doing it, from learning and understanding its many and varied aspects. Yes even for life-protection/self-defence. Some do it to discover more about themselves, to perfect character, to enjoy the "spirit" of the arts. It is not a prerequisite of the arts to go around punching people. The defensive/offensive aspects have there place but need not be the only reason to study it. There is martial arts spirit, there are martial arts fighting, there is martial arts forms, there are many aspects to the martial arts. Simply look at Sword study, the end aim is not to go around cutting people up into bite size pieces, to slice and dice them! If violence is all one seeks then what type of life is that?

After all if your only need or desire is to cause the maximum damage you can to someone then why not use a gun? This is in my view a self-limiting view of the martial arts in its entirety.
For me its about self development and about helping others. Its certainly also about protecting yourself and your loved ones when necessary. We try to remain calm and peaceful each day, however, we also have the spirit of a tiger to call on if needed.
Over the forty some odd years of training the spirit has ever changed, in the beginning it was about fighting and S.D. principles, during the middle part if become more about the techniques and exploring what really works and what does not. In the later years it has become a search of enlightment one can reach, this is where my training is know for that ever evading enlightment so few speak of.

S.D. and self protection is always needed and the thought of training people to reach to limits they could never imagine has it own rewards. I t is for me that I train now and forever and to help those that need it.
[FONT=Verdana, Arial, Helvetica] What is Martial Arts Spirit to you?

Some of us do so for the love of the art, the cool buzz we get from doing it, from learning and understanding its many and varied aspects. Yes even for life-protection/self-defence. Some do it to discover more about themselves, to perfect character, to enjoy the "spirit" of the arts. It is not a prerequisite of the arts to go around punching people. The defensive/offensive aspects have there place but need not be the only reason to study it. There is martial arts spirit, there are martial arts fighting, there is martial arts forms, there are many aspects to the martial arts. Simply look at Sword study, the end aim is not to go around cutting people up into bite size pieces, to slice and dice them! If violence is all one seeks then what type of life is that?

After all if your only need or desire is to cause the maximum damage you can to someone then why not use a gun? This is in my view a self-limiting view of the martial arts in its entirety.
Hello shifu :) I think Martial Arts spirit is not about religion. I think it is not about mysticism or chanting mantras or any of that stuff.

I think having martial arts spirit is the same as having "heart". To me that means fighting with tenacity, it means consistently pushing yourself to be the best YOU can be. I also think having heart in this way involves having respect and compassion.

You used the term violence. I think there is very little violence in martial arts. To me, violence implies aggression. And aggression that could be called violent, implies a loss of control in technique. I do not think violence is manifest in the arts irrespective of style. To strike an opponent is not violence per se. I think we, as martial artists, are too measured to be violent. Fighters yes, violent, nope.. And but then, I have no sense to know :)

Yr most obdt hmble srvt,
The martial SPIRIT is something I carry with me where ever I go. It is the way I deal with others on a day to day bases. My martial training has altered the way I look at many things and the way I react in many ( if not all ) situations.
My training carries over into my every day life and what I do is a reflection of my training.
The spirit may be compassionate or brutal but it a part of me now.
For me it's a sense of inner peace and confidence. I haven't quite ascended to the level of some of the other responses.
During fighting, it's about getting up every time you get knocked down no matter how bad you get beat.
During training, it's about helping others, putting their development above your own, being patient, and never losing your temper.
To me, Martial Spirit is about finding out where your limits are, and then actively working to expand those limits.

It's looking in the mirror and seeing what's really there, even if you don't particularly like what you see.

It's about helping someone else when most others would turn away.
Some recent posts have indicated that many people think MMA is about violence and causing as much damage to your opponent as possible hence the dislike of it by many. However I believe that what MMA is about is challenging yourself, finding that which is deep inside, being alive and finding the spirit inside you. Getting up when you are put down is an excellent description by Paul-M. the fighters could damage each other far more than they do but they don't because they are both looking for the honesty and truth you find in challenging yourself.
For me it is just plainly having respect where respect is due, love where love is due, and loyalty where loyalty is due.

As MA we are to be and act a notch above the rest!
TO me it just means being humble and respectful along your journey to enlightenment. Self awareness and understanding. I hope I am lucky enough to get there.
Martial spirit, to me is all about Rei (respect). There are many virtues a warrior must carry, respect is the key one that binds all the others.

Respect yourself, else you won't develop.
Respect your teachers else they will cease to teach and in turn your knowledge will become corrupted by ego.
Respect your family and friends as they will support you when you can't support them.
Respect those that trod the paths before as they made it easier for you to be where you are now.
Mostly respect your art and your abilities for you have to carry the burden of the consequences of your training.
martial spirit to me is the spirit of universal man at it's best.

i am so thankful to the teachings and writings of Hatsumisensei, Hayessensei and Ueshibasensei. in my youth i found great comfort and inspiration in those teachings and writings.

already as a youngster of 13 i was reading about the kongokai and the taizokai- daimond spirit and the wombworld or material realm-
fudoshin- the immovable heart.

many things i did not realize enough back then but i managed to get enough out of it in my situation as a searching kid(slightly spiritually disillusioned by my upbringing in christian school)

i would never impose any ideas over anyone, but i do feel that at least a little mystictype teachings can help to keep a person open in his learning.
i find chinese martial arts is quite good with this because of the detail of the chinese medicine in the background.

different martial arts will come from different cultures, but some kind of nonphysical teachings are needed to make practitioners also understand the great responsibility that they carry as people but even more so as martial artists with the specific ability to do evil and hurt or imposingly controll others.
the very nature of power and justice must be dealt with in order to come to a balanced result in ma.

Now that I think about it. It reminds me of something taught at my school. It is called Wu De ( Martial Morality) it encompasses many things, respect, humility, righteousness, perseverance, will, endurance, etc........... Good code of conduct to go by.
Pushing yourself in martial arts to to do things others would think impossible or foolhardy.
Examples: Not backing down when faced with an opponent 50 lbs. heavier and 6 inches taller.
Pushing yourself to exhaustion then going a little further
Doing the same technique over and over until you master it without getting frustrated. This requires patience, something Americans tend to be in short supply of.
I have learned so much about myself in the short time I have been studying the martial arts. The realisation that you can achieve things you never thought possible is a feeling I will never forget. To me, Martial Spirit is about seeking to understand the knowledge you possess, without the need to prove yourself to others. We must also keep learning, and never assume that we really know what we think we do.
We talk al ot about spirit where I train. It is speed, surprise, and violence of action. It is using technique and overwhelming aggresivness to defend life and limb. And it is also behaving in an honorable manner, to avoid conflict whenever possible.
"Miyagi was right. The best block is to dodge. It doesn't sting." Instructor answering one of my rookie questions.
Martial art is about fighting. When words don't work anymore people
usually get down to the business of fighting.
In my experience, there is nothing that you can say to anybody, powerful
enough to change the way another person thinks.
The essence of Martial Spirit is the idea that a person would only change
the way they think or behave if they were inspired by another.
I think as we go through life we gather bits and pieces of who we are
from a wide range of people and experiences. Most of the time people just want to know what you have up for grabs and if you don't have anything of interest, they will move along.
Martial spirit is that intangible feeling people get when they are around
you that you know something they don't know.
The same way children look at their parents and think they are so fantastic. They know so much and without them they wouldn't survive.
Martial spirit encourages people. Not only with martial arts, with anything
you could say or do to encourage a person to do better.
People talk alot about martial art techniques, one of the most powerful techiniques I know of is encouragement. If you remember
ever being truely encouraged by anyone, you will see. People are all the same at some levels, we all have feelings and we all know how easily those feelings can get hurt.
When you learn martial arts you are learning how to fight and hurt people.
Somewhat of a conflict.
There are too many people on this planet that don't care. About themselves or anyone else. How do you deal with those people?
Do your best to stay away from them. If they come hunting for you,
that is where martial arts is supposed to operate.
People don't have the same opportunites in life. If you don't have
the best teachers or circumstances, use what you have. You can learn
an incredible amount on your own. That is one of the apects of martial arts I appreciate the most. In today's world information is alot more
The difference between someone who knows and someone who
is only talking, is simple. The real guys can show you.
Bruce Lee had true Martial spirit,so did Mas Oyama,Miyamoto Musashi I could go on forever....One of the best MA books I have ever read was The "Tao of Jeet Kune Do" the man definitely had an isatiable appetite for knowlege,I still learn things about myself and the arts from his writings,great reading!