drop bear
Sr. Grandmaster
Not just UFC. Take a look at any of the old school super fighters and compare them with the fighters today.let me start by saying that Drop bear is 100% right. the internet and (love it or hate) the UFC has changed martial arts for the better. it has made many wake up and think to themselves that what they have been doing is not enough. back before the 80's if you trained in more then one style you were a heretic and looked down upon. many of us did what was refered to cross training. it was considered a poor method of learning. that dedication to one art was better. but today MMA is a norm and excepted.
the term i would use is psuedo fighting. now many people focus on sport fighting and thats fine and legit. however a common sentiment even in these forums is that the value of martial arts is in relation to its ability to teach you real street fighting self defense.
notice in this thread the comments from the poster about how aplicable an art is to real self defense. also notice the subtle but undercurrent, this ability to fight almost seems like a preocupation. but if one would suggest for a parent to arm their child with a knife for self defense ,,,what kind of lunacy would that be? but we have no problem in thinking in terms of teaching a child self defense? does that child really need to "protect themselves" or is it a deep seated fear in the parent that harm may come to their child and there is a need from the parent to protect. sending the child to karate is a way to ease this fear for the parent. the same hold true for adults most students enter the dojo because at some level there is a fear, a need to protect themselves. a need to feel powerfull, confident and have the ability to fight if needed. many will not agree but the fact is you picked a martial arts class not yoga or dance or soft ball, why?
personaly i train and teach for real self defense. if you want real self defense learn gun tactics and how to quickly take someones life with a knife with minimal engagment, engaging the enemy increases your chance of harm. if you parctice a horse stance with your hand tucked into your arm pits throwing out punches doing kiai and half moon steping your doing an exersize in fear managment.
i think this is true. people either have this Indiana Jones vision in their head about how things will go in a real fight, this stems from the fact that they have no real experience so the imagination fills in the gaps or they have the boogey man fear. that the bad guy is so bad *** that no amount of training will ever be enough. again lack of experience leads to the exageration of the real threat into a super threat.
They are harder faster stronger.
Mass oyama was one guy and is competing with the collective efforts of a hundred thousand guys.
Just training tools. Does anybody remember these. They were the answer to grappling and striking. And were expensive clumsy and delicate.

While I am on a rant. Before the ufc was the leg kick. It revolutionised striking. You had to fundamentally change your system to deal with it.
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