I don't think the human species, per se, is becoming more evil.... read a detailed account of what happened in a Jewish village in Russia in 1941 when the Nazi Einsatzgruppen arrived.... what real pirates did on ships they captured.... what joys both sides visited upon each other in the Crusades era.... and you will see that brute savagery and depravity are nothing new.
I once got hold of an olde book on criminal cases in the USA from 1790 to about 1840. Just the same level of violent predation...
So why's it feel different, like there's more of it?
The media plays a part. Ever since the Wild West and then the Depression era, the media has tended to publicize and even glorify criminals. Sociopathic killers like many Western gunfighters, or Bonnie + Clyde became almost folk heroes.
Now, these days there are so many more media sources - and one can get just as much exposure for fame as for infamy......lessee, now - I probably cannot break an Olympic record, but with some snappy shooting and luck, I could exceed the Columbine kill total.... and I'll get more TV time for the mass killing than I'd get for a silver medal from years of training.
Is it any surprise that the loser Virginia Tech gunman paused in his kiling to mail a package to NBC? NBC then, obligingly, gave the monster all the publicity he ever could have wished for. Is it any surprise that another loser gunman, on the way to a mall massacre, told somebody," I'm going to be f'ing famous!!" And he was...
What if the minimum coverage, and in a condemnatory sense, was all they'd get?
Then there's the change in us.... the criminals are as bad as ever, its just that we have lost the will to defend ourselves. The child molesting pirate of 1810 was hung at dockside or sent to jail for 85 years, a hard 85. Now, its parole and probation time, as if some constitutional right existed to go on rampages not once, but many times over. Yes, the criminals rights are established and exalted - but you never hear their second sentence. You hear," I got rights!!!!!!!!".......but what you don't hear is"....and the rest of you sheeple have none, none at all"