What is a good diet plan for an amateur martial artist?


Yellow Belt
Jan 12, 2015
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Hi, I need a good high protein/carbohydrate, low fat diet. I know the basics of what my diet needs to be but I need a good plan that will give me a more exact view.

I just need to get on an intense workout and meal plan involved because I'm worried that my diet is poor. I need to eat more of the good stuff rather than the bad stuff

I don't necessarily need to lose weight but I would like to gain muscle.

I'm sorry if there is already a thread for this but I'm still new to this forum so please bare with me.

Thanks for the help!
Just increase more whole foods in your diet and cut out high sugars and junk food. What is your diet like now? You could count calories, or go on each fad diet as they come up, but if they actually worked we wouldn't have obesity.

So instead of Macca's on the way home from work, eat an apple or two, instead of coke while sitting at the computer, have some water with some lemon in it. Eat more veggies and fruit, and moderate meat. Avoid cutting unless your a body sculptor or pro fighter, it's bad for your body.

If you are wanting to bulk, that's different, but you need to understand the difference between getting stronger and bulking, they are not the same thing.

And the key thing, is make your eating habits a life style change. But don't starve yourself of indulgences every now and then treat yourself to a night out, but have enough self control to go back to good eating the next day. If you keep it up, you will get used to it.

Whats your fitness level, and what is your goal? Is it weight, fat percentage etc?
I am a fairly active person. I've been in sports my whole life, but I haven't always been the ideal picture of what a fit person should/want to look like.

I just want to lose weight the right way and get that six pack everyone dreams of having. An exercise regime I can stick with, where I can reach my goals. I'm lost as to where to start...

Please help.

Just increase more whole foods in your diet and cut out high sugars and junk food. What is your diet like now? You could count calories, or go on each fad diet as they come up, but if they actually worked we wouldn't have obesity.

So instead of Macca's on the way home from work, eat an apple or two, instead of coke while sitting at the computer, have some water with some lemon in it. Eat more veggies and fruit, and moderate meat. Avoid cutting unless your a body sculptor or pro fighter, it's bad for your body.

If you are wanting to bulk, that's different, but you need to understand the difference between getting stronger and bulking, they are not the same thing.

And the key thing, is make your eating habits a life style change. But don't starve yourself of indulgences every now and then treat yourself to a night out, but have enough self control to go back to good eating the next day. If you keep it up, you will get used to it.

Whats your fitness level, and what is your goal? Is it weight, fat percentage etc?
It depends on what you wanna do. If you wanna build muscle or bulk you need a lot of protein. If you need to cut weight, veggies and fruits with small small amounts of protein and no sugar or starches. Another factor is your own body. Some people need more fiber than others.

As a general rules of thumb:

No Sugar! Includes candy, "sports" Drinks (a lot of them have the same amount as soda) no soda. One candy bar of a sweet tea here or there isnt awful, but stick to a plan.

No fast food. No exceptions

Nothing deep fried

Nothing greasy. Chili, pizza, etc.

I only eat red meat (excluding fish) once a week. If I eat meat its usually chicken, maybe some pork and not everyday. Many times I'll get protein elsewhere. But, this is a personal diet based on my body.

I drink only water, some milk/soymilk, 100% juice, and the very rare tea. I give myself one cheat meal a week. This week it was sloppy joe sliders for lunch.

As for workout, I'm coming off the end of a long lasting stomach infection so I'm starting slow and getting back up. This is my workout plan for this week:

100 Squat Press with a 35 lb weight
1 Minute Plank (normal and side)
500 Crunches (5 sets of 100)
50 side Crunches (each side)
30 Spidermans (
) (straight not sets)
30 Dips (straight, not sets)
1 Minute Basic stances, each side ( 2 sets, go deeper every 10 seconds)
10 basic kicks each leg at a tennis ball positioned at head level, or chest depending on your flexibilty.
50 high knees

Stretches, done

You should be shooting for far higher however. Im not starting cardio and rigorous hyung until next week, but before I was sick back in October I was doing 100 of each kick with each leg, 1000 crunches a day, etc. Next week the numbers will go up and so forth. Little by little you'll build more strength and flexibility.
If you want to get stronger, lift weights. I'd recommend something like Stronglifts 5x5 to get your started and is an easy program. I have my own squat rack, but if you have access to a gym and\or are able to join one use their equipment. If you are wanting to bulk, lift weights and get a well rounded eating plan, which is mainly around increasing your calorie intake. This is a good FAQ on reddit for diet. But you would need to be very self motivated and committed to get to that level. Read the FAQ for Reddit Fitness, has a lot of information.

Abs, well you need to decrease you body fat ratio, but have realistic aspirations. I don't know what your percentage is now, but you want to find your body's comfortable, maintainable percentage. Keep in mind that when you see the pictures of 8 packs, with people with less than 8% body fat, it's not healthy, and they only do it for photo shoots and competition. They will head back to 10-15% after that since it's generally not the maintainable.

So to be honest, the best start is eating well, this sort of thing is a marathon not a sprint, take the time to understand food and good eating. Start with regular jogging to drop the extra kilo's and establish healthy habits. Just don't over do it when you start and build it up over time, starting with eating well and regular exercise. You will learn more as you go along, and adjust to your personal needs as you react to what your body is telling you.

Keep in mind that not everyone is the same, and you will get gains and losses at different rates to everyone. You should aim for fitness and keeping healthy, the weight\fat will adjust along the way.
Well, let's see.....what's your weight, height, age (body fat % if you know it) level of activity, sleep cycle and what kind of working out do you do?
I would suggest the same as DD, but don't have Red meat. Plenty of Fish is what I am personally doing, but of course may not be suitable for you. What I could do is ask my Sister for a female perspective if you wish?
DD is right about the diet. I would add to keep the carbs low, especially simple carbs like pasta and bread. Complex carbs are better i.e. brown rice. Keep veggies and protein high, (does not have to be all meat, think eggs for breakfast, beans etc).

As far as working out I do a mix of strength training (weights or bodyweight training), interval training (e.g. sprints, rounds on the heavy bag etc) and regular endurance cardio (bike, rowing etc) and of course MA training on top of that.
Hi, I need a good high protein/carbohydrate, low fat diet. I know the basics of what my diet needs to be but I need a good plan that will give me a more exact view.

I just need to get on an intense workout and meal plan involved because I'm worried that my diet is poor. I need to eat more of the good stuff rather than the bad stuff

I don't necessarily need to lose weight but I would like to gain muscle.

I'm sorry if there is already a thread for this but I'm still new to this forum so please bare with me.

Thanks for the help!

I try and follow 2 diets but I doubt either is what you are looking for they are mostly plant based and low fat, I'm old.

So take a look at

The Fighter's Body: An Owner's Manual: Your Guide to Diet, Nutrition, Exercise and Excellence in the Martial Arts

maybe that will interest you

But before you go to far you should know there are vegan athletes so "healthy" may be something I would look for in a diet and nothing that falls under "Fad"
I try and follow 2 diets but I doubt either is what you are looking for they are mostly plant based and low fat, I'm old.

So take a look at

The Fighter's Body: An Owner's Manual: Your Guide to Diet, Nutrition, Exercise and Excellence in the Martial Arts

maybe that will interest you

But before you go to far you should know there are vegan athletes so "healthy" may be something I would look for in a diet and nothing that falls under "Fad"

Hey. You personally recommend this one?
Hey. You personally recommend this one?

Nope, won't do that, never followed it, but I did read the book and it was quite informative and seemed much more balanced than some of the protein heavy fighter type diets I've seen. What I follow and am rather happy with is a combination of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's diet and Gilad Janklowicz's eat right now program
Nope, won't do that, never followed it, but I did read the book and it was quite informative and seemed much more balanced than some of the protein heavy fighter type diets I've seen. What I follow and am rather happy with is a combination of Dr. Joel Fuhrman's diet and Gilad Janklowicz's eat right now program

I meant the book Xue, not the diet! You would have to be nutritional genius to recommend me a diet :D
I liked the book, but I left it on a plane in Narita airport and did not realize I left it there until I got to Beijing I liked it enough to buy it again

Oh, looks like I will be looking at Google maps, thanks for that! Okay then, if you liked it that much, it would be very rude of me to dismiss it. I'll have a looksie :)
I would suggest the same as DD, but don't have Red meat. Plenty of Fish is what I am personally doing, but of course may not be suitable for you. What I could do is ask my Sister for a female perspective if you wish?
That would be nice, if you don't mind.:D

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