I will take a shot at this. i run a full time school in southern ontario.
got up at 7:15, helped the wife get the kids off to school.
i also have a three year old, so i get to spend my mornings with her, so it is awesome in some respects.
phone are forwarded to my cell phone in the mornings, so no one goes in until 2pm. we get very little walk up traffic during the day, so it isnt really worth it, so i work from home in the mornings.
8 am, turn on the computer and cell phone.
8 am until 12 pm, paperwork and fielding information calls.
at 12:30 i go to one of the public schools i run a lunchtime program out of and teach that with one of my assistants until 1:30. go home, grab a quick bite and then go to the martial arts school for 2:30. i run an after school program, so i make sure that the drivers pick up sheets are set up. we pick up 120 kids every day after school.
2:30 until 4, making sure all the kids get there in one piece.
4 to 4:45 teach the first after school class.
4:45 to 5:30, teach the second after school class
5:30 to 6, deal with after school parents on whatever issue.
i have two other full time instructors who work for me, so they help with the after school classes and teach the bulk of the evening classes. i teach the high belt kids and adults and the specialty classes.
6 pm to 7:30 teaching classes
7:30 to 8:30 private lesson
8:30 to 10pm deal with any adults and their issues.
10 pm to 11 pm, go for a run
11 pm to 12 am, met with the landlord over rental issues (i am lucky as my landlord owns the variety store right beside me and works the same sort of hours i do
12 am to 12:45 am, do my evening workout and then head home.
1 am until now, eat my dinner and unwind on the internet. i still have about another hours worth of work before i can go to bed. most nights i dont get to bed until 2 or 3 am. i guess i have conditioned myself to go on 4 or 5 hours of sleep a night.
its funny, because you think as an owner, once i am huge, life will be so easy. i am almost huge and it aint there yet. i have an active count of just under 400, so i am able to afford the help in a lot of aspects. a cleaning service cleans every night. i have full time and part time instructors, but yet still, i am working 18 hours a day. would i change it? never! i have the best life i could ever want. i deal with a lot of crap every day, work insane hours, but i get to do what i love every day, make a good living at it, spend the mornings with my daughter. i wouldnt want it any other way.
Dusty, kj