what if...


Senior Master
Lets say (hypothetical) that some folks with degrees in physics and anatomy come into your dojo with all kinds of scientific gizmos and ask "we would like to do 'biofeed back' on you and some of your students so there is a better understanding of how the martial arts work". What would you say and why?
This question is one I thought of from the thing on discovery about the science behind the martial arts. And also a show on Fit TV called "Deadly Arts".
Deadly Arts is about a lady that does Aikido going to schools of legendary martial arts and finding the the most experced people in the style, training under them for awhile and all the while giving a breif history of the style. And it is all put on an hour long show. And while were on it, lets say that that lady wanted to do that with your school.
As for me, I would enjoy the oppertunity for both. I spend alot of time trying to figure some that stuff on my own with my limited understanding of anatomy, physics, and biomechanics. Biomechanics is basicly what you get when anatomy and physics have a baby (LOL). The Deadly Arts thing would just a good way to give Cuong Nhu some publisity. We don't need it, but I'd still like it.
I think it really should be done.

Imagine all the BS we could filter out.
Cold hard facts and real numbers to quantify what we are actually doing.

I'm sure it would put many a snake oil salesman out of bussiness.:whip:

Then we can have a debate on whos art is better with # to back it up.:rolleyes:

Trolls Beware.:ultracool
I went to college for Biology and Physics with this very topic in mind. Been conducting lots of experiments on all sorts of Martial Practices for years now. Interestingly enough the artists that claim the most unbelievable things such as "death touch", "touchless KO's", "Chi effects", "body hardening through energy", etc. are the ones who want nothing to do with such experiments but have the most to gain by proving that thier "theories" work. Makes ya wonder....
Hello, Each person is differently built. Only you can improve your power and speed. Compare only what was before and now of one self. Each person can get better if they train longer, harder, and is determined to better them selfs.

The knowledge of human being is out there.....your Instructor should know this...of proper movements and strikes.............Aloha
This would be great, not just from the biomechanical and physical science angle, but also from the psychological science angle. There are many claims that martial artists, myself included, concerning the benefits of martial arts training for the mind, psyche, etc. How ever, I think there is a dirth of "good" research on the topic.

If anyone can provide some citations to research on the matter, please share.

yes i totally agree with mattiej, if i had millions of dollars i would conduct similar experients as well, with the best scienctists in world, and martial artists, i would seperate the arts into, self defense, combat effective in war time-life or death situation, i know the results would piss off alot of martial artists but, i would go with cold hard facts !
Shotochem said:
Then we can have a debate on whos art is better with # to back it up.:rolleyes:
Trolls Beware.:ultracool

Why does an art have to be "better" than others. The art is what you make it.:asian:

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