What If The World Could Vote?

Wow. Been to Europe have you? Toured what is left of the cathedrals that have stood since the 1500's. (Know what a flying buttress is?) You've seen the art works housed in Paris? You've walked the streets of Rome? The "world" gave you antibiotics, analgesics, X-rays, gun powder, quantum physics, Martail Arts and "Intel Inside".

I was in the military, I have been around the world, and seen most of it, and not just the Europeans either.

In point of fact, i was referring to POLITICS and in that arena? the world is notoriously stupid.

hell, so are we, we elected CLINTON from crying out loud.....
How "the world" views your country should be somewhat important too you as it has a pretty large impact on your country.

These things count, economically you need the rest of the world, you might not like to admit it, but you do.

This is absolutely true. Speaking from and economic stand point as the American economy has stalled or slowed down my book & dvd sales in the United States also slowed down. However, my sales to Europe, Japan and Southeast Asia went through the roof. America needs friends and allies throughout the world and that is a simple fact.
Seriously though....should you let what other people "think" about you control your actions?

A lot of people do not have your best interest in mind when they "think" about you.

When I was growing up and people were giving me a hard time or taking adversarial roles and "thinking and saying" things about me my grandpa gave me some sage advice.....

"You can not please everybody or control what they think about you"

This is advice that did not sink in untill I was an adult. A lot of people "want" or "think" you should be or act a certain way because it helps or benefits them, NOT you.

If I spent all of my time trying to please everyone or worrying about what they thought about me i would have no time, money, or pleasure in my own life. Sometimes winning the popularity contest isn't the same as doing what is right, as martial artist you guys know this as well. Let me give you a martial arts example.......

I am in a room full of 10 people. One person comes up, calls me names, challenged me to a fight and I walk away. The other 9 people in the room think I am weak, pathetic, or a "weenie" for not fighting him and walking away. Should I really care about what those other 9 people think? I knew I did the right thing. To me sometimes the "world opinion" tends to be the same thing.

Canadians are proud of Canada....I do not agree with their health system, but they think it is good and do not consult us in the US about it.

I think England has huge socialist tendacies...my Brother in law (one of my brest friends) is a Brit and he loves some of the socialist programs....England did not consult the US or take polls from us about their programs or who should be elected to office.

There are a ton of other examples, but the "world" does not consult the US electorate when they have elections, so I think it is silly and redundant to think that we should worry about what others think when they sure as hell do not worry about what we think.
England did not consult the US or take polls from us about their programs or who should be elected to office.

There are a ton of other examples, but the "world" does not consult the US electorate when they have elections, so I think it is silly and redundant to think that we should worry about what others think when they sure as hell do not worry about what we think.

True, but....

For the most part the world doesn't really care with what you do with health care, as long as human rights violations are not taking place the world is happy to let you go about your business.

However, the US has, as of late, been throwing its weight around in a way that effects the world, that's why the rest of the world cares. It's not your internal policies that worry the rest of the world, it is your foreign policies and trade policies that do.

In that respect what the world thinks of you should count, as those are the things that influence who does business with you and how. Any business owner will tell you the importance of PR, and that perception of your business, and how it interacts with its partners and clients can have a huge effect on the business.

The US is right now suffering from some very bad PR with most of the world, this is bad for your economy and relationships with other countries. This should be something that is a concern.
True, but....

For the most part the world doesn't really care with what you do with health care, as long as human rights violations are not taking place the world is happy to let you go about your business.

However, the US has, as of late, been throwing its weight around in a way that effects the world, that's why the rest of the world cares. It's not your internal policies that worry the rest of the world, it is your foreign policies and trade policies that do.

In that respect what the world thinks of you should count, as those are the things that influence who does business with you and how. Any business owner will tell you the importance of PR, and that perception of your business, and how it interacts with its partners and clients can have a huge effect on the business.

The US is right now suffering from some very bad PR with most of the world, this is bad for your economy and relationships with other countries. This should be something that is a concern.

So for debates sake...how is Russia's "PR" in the world? We are however not a business...did they consult the "world court" before the recent incursions into Georgia? What about them staking claim to pieces of land in the artic? Did they ask what the world thought about it? The way I see it America has been affluent, had some success, and many people want to see someone or something like that taken down a notch. I really think a lot of it has to do with class/wealth envy. Because even our poor would be considered wealthy by some countries standards.
So for debates sake...how is Russia's "PR" in the world?

Not much better then yours.

We are however not a business...did they consult the "world court" before the recent incursions into Georgia?

You do know that Georgia actually started the war right?

And you do know that the US has taken military action without approval from the UN security council as well?

I really think a lot of it has to do with class/wealth envy. Because even our poor would be considered wealthy by some countries standards.

Comparing yourself to 3rd world countries is really not much of a comparison. How about your poor vs Canada, UK, France, Germany, and even Russia?

Envy is not really what most of the world is feeling about you right now, the USA is not seen as the shinning beacon of freedom and opportunity people once might have seen it as.

And, truth be told, you have been taken down a notch, your economic situation and foreign policy has done that.
Not much better then yours.

You do know that Georgia actually started the war right?

And you do know that the US has taken military action without approval from the UN security council as well?

Comparing yourself to 3rd world countries is really not much of a comparison. How about your poor vs Canada, UK, France, Germany, and even Russia?

Envy is not really what most of the world is feeling about you right now, the USA is not seen as the shinning beacon of freedom and opportunity people once might have seen it as.

And, truth be told, you have been taken down a notch, your economic situation and foreign policy has done that.

You speak for the world huh? ;) Good for you. I really do not care to be honest. To say that we need to compare our poor vs the rich of those countries is apples and oranges. I would gladly compare our rich to their rich and our poor to their poor. The same could be said about those country's poor vs 3rd world rich as well. You know this. I was making the statement that even our poor are not as bad off as the rich in 3rd world countries. Nothing more, nothing less. You are using a play on words to argue out of context.

My othe point was a lot of the "citizens of the world" do not ***** and moan about Russia or other countries taking similar actions. And yes it is envy, like it or not. There are not millions flooding accross Canada's borders for the opportunity for a better life.
You speak for the world huh? ;) Good for you.

It doesn't take a genious to read some international news.

I really do not care to be honest. To say that we need to compare our poor vs the rich of those countries is apples and oranges.

No, compare your poor vs the poor in other wealthy countries. I never suggested comparing your poor to our rich.

You know this. I was making the statement that even our poor are not as bad off as the rich in 3rd world countries. Nothing more, nothing less. You are using a play on words to argue out of context.

Actually that would be you...

My othe point was a lot of the "citizens of the world" do not ***** and moan about Russia or other countries taking similar actions. And yes it is envy, like it or not. There are not millions flooding accross Canada's borders for the opportunity for a better life.

sorry to rain on your parade, but:

"Canada has the highest per capita immigration rate in the world"
~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Canada#Immigration_rate
It doesn't take a genious to read some international news.

No, compare your poor vs the poor in other wealthy countries. I never suggested comparing your poor to our rich.

Actually that would be you...

sorry to rain on your parade, but:

"Canada has the highest per capita immigration rate in the world"
~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immigration_to_Canada#Immigration_rate

Did you just quote wikipedia??? :lfao:

Thanks for the conversation...I am not gonna waste my time anymore.
Did you just quote wikipedia??? :lfao:

Thanks for the conversation...I am not gonna waste my time anymore.

follow the citation right next to it if you like.

In fact I will give it too you:

that "gc.ca" at the end there, that means this is a official government site.

Read the whole 43 page document if you like, but at the end of the day Canada still has a higher immigration rate then the US. So your claim is false.
I doubt anyone would ever seriously suggest the rest of the world vote in your elections, it was just a hypothetical "what if"

It would be interesting to see the 'what ifs' for other countries.

France: Jerry Lewis
Germany: David Hasselhoff
Italy: Bernadette Peters
Canada: Terrance. . .no wait. . .Phillip

Yes, it's a heavy North American entertainment industry bias in regards to names so I better mix it up some more.

Iran: The Bollywood actress that some American dude kissed and got into so much trouble.
N. Korea: Sacha Baron Cohen

Yeah, I'm sticking to entertainment.
It would be interesting to see the 'what ifs' for other countries.

France: Jerry Lewis
Germany: David Hasselhoff
Italy: Bernadette Peters
Canada: Terrance. . .no wait. . .Phillip

Yes, it's a heavy North American entertainment industry bias in regards to names so I better mix it up some more.

Iran: The Bollywood actress that some American dude kissed and got into so much trouble.
N. Korea: Sacha Baron Cohen

Yeah, I'm sticking to entertainment.

And they would ALL do a better job than Bush. Especialy Terrance and Phillip as they are Canadian.:p

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