What I want to see in the new year....

Andrew Green

MTS Alumni
There is a good deal of Modern Arnis people on here, I'd like to see some drills / techniques. Complete with photographs and explanations. Some two person drills, sparring techniques, stuff that shows the uniqueness of the system. Tapi-tapi? I've heard the name a few times on here, but am not exactly sure what it is, anyone care to take a few shots and share them?

We also got a lot of Kenpo people, and I have to admit, I know very little about kenpo as it's a bit of a rarity around here. Same thing, how about some of drills, techniques? How about some explanation as to what the names mean in less poetic language? (hopefully with pictures ;) )

Ninjitsu guys, how about show off some non-hollywood stuff? With all the misconceptions about ninjitsu how about putting some real ninjitsu up?

What does everyone else want to see in the New Year?
Lots of links have been posted for much of what you ask for, as well as stuff on the site, but it's scattered through old threads (as your much-appreciated grappling threads will soon be). We need a sticky thread listing such resources!

As for me, I always enjoy learning about rare arts, like the current Indian martial arts discussion.
Whew...I just want to see the old year in my rearview mirror. This has been a year of tribulations.
Lots of links have been posted for much of what you ask for, as well as stuff on the site, but it's scattered through old threads (as your much-appreciated grappling threads will soon be). We need a sticky thread listing such resources!

Actually, I really like what Andrew has been doing in the grappling sections, it allows specific threads to talk about a technique, and opens it up to all the readers rather than using the jargon or nomenclature inherent in any martial art (and particularly kenpo!)

OnlyAnEgg said:
Whew...I just want to see the old year in my rearview mirror. This has been a year of tribulations.

I'll drink to that sentiment...
Blindside said:
Actually, I really like what Andrew has been doing in the grappling sections, it allows specific threads to talk about a technique, and opens it up to all the readers rather than using the jargon or nomenclature inherent in any martial art (and particularly kenpo!)

It's good now--but they'll be hard to find in a few months, after they're buried by other posts. I'm suggesting a Sticky post for technique threads.
I agree 100% with Andrew...we have lots of threads that talk, it would be nice to see some that walk.

I'd like to see more videos of forms and pictorial analysis of the techniques, coupled with vids of sparring that show them in action. I'm working really hard on this, but some of the forum limitations regarding file size are too small and I don't know how to make my videos smaller. Maybe I should see a computer tech to get help. Perhaps a tutorial thread for this would be useful? Right now, people who have large vids, email them to Bob and he gets them up when he has time, but I think that if this is going to be an expanding part of MT, then it should be more possible for members to do some of this work on their own....and maybe save our fair leader a headache or two...;)
Hello, What I like to see is People all over the world teaching the young /old how to be a good person.

Hopefully we will have more good people than bad people. Can we all do this? It is very simple......to teach!..and learn! ..................Aloha
I'd like to see a chat room in martial talk. I'd also like a weapons forum that isn't knives, swords, or guns. We need one for martial art weapons like the bo staff, nun chuks, sai, etc and one for exotic weapons like the fans, wind and fire wheels, and tiger hooks etc.
