What have you cut out of your diet?

TigerWoman said:
I thought the phosphorus in sodas weren't good for bones. TW
According to a chiropractor I used to go to it is. To neutralize the phosphoric acid in the soda, your body uses calcium. If you are not eating a diet rich in bioavailable calcium, your body goes to its store of calcium (the bones) to get the raw material for this process.

JPR said:
According to a chiropractor I used to go to it is. To neutralize the phosphoric acid in the soda, your body uses calcium. If you are not eating a diet rich in bioavailable calcium, your body goes to its store of calcium (the bones) to get the raw material for this process.

caffinated beverages in general will deplete calcium as well if I am not mistaken. I read somewhere that, if you don't eat a diet that can compensate for it, anymore than 2/3 cups (8 oz serving) can cause bone thinning.

How many people take a daily or some kind of vitamin supplement? I try to take it with a meal because it is suppose to help the body absorb the fat transmitted nutrients that might otherwise just pass through you as waste.
JPR said:
According to a chiropractor I used to go to it is. To neutralize the phosphoric acid in the soda, your body uses calcium. If you are not eating a diet rich in bioavailable calcium, your body goes to its store of calcium (the bones) to get the raw material for this process.


Now another area I don't get comes up. The body relies on much stronger acids to digest foods, Citric Acid's not considered unhealthy (even though megadoses can cause heart irrythmia etc.) What makes highly dilluted phosphoric acid so dangerous?
There's some great advice here on what to avoid.

I make a habit of reading the labels on foods and avoid anything that has "hydrogenated" or "trans" fat as these are not good things to be putting in your body due to the potential for free radical damage (possibly leading to cancers).

Another good tip that helps with weight management is to eat less but more frequently. This works because the body can only process so much food in one go.

Typically (over here in the UK anyway), people tend to have a light breakfast, grab a quick sandwich for lunch, and then eat a large evening meal when they get home from work. The problem with the large meal is that once the body has processed 30g of protein and 50g of carbs it waves a white flag and any extra is then stored as fat.

With several small meals a day your energy stores (glycogen levels) are constantly topped up and you are actually using what you ingest rather than storing unnecessary excess as fat. Give it a try !

best regards

Manchester, UK
I stopped eating fried foods a long time ago. Almost all desserts, too...sugary stuff like soda, junk, chocolate I skip on too. Although, I still use sugar in my coffee, I cant quite get used to the splenda aftertaste :)
Funny thing is, once you havent had that stuff in a while, I find that I dont even miss it. When I do occasionally have a bite of fried food or the once in a blue moon snickers bar, a very tiny amount of stuff like that is PLENTY, otherwise my stomach flat out gets ANGRY!!!
I agree with the several small meals idea, I'm eating every 3 or 4 hours and keeping them small (for the most part!) and that seems to work pretty well. Add a good exercise routine in, and I feel I'm in the best shape of my life!
This thread is full of so much great stuff. I wonder if anyone else has this experience that bassplayer kind of alluded to: You give up something that was a borderline addiction for you, come back and have a taste a few months later, and it tastes like crap. Happened to me with that sugar laden devil soda pop. Can't even tolerate a sip now. Aftertaste feels like I just drank a chug of pancake syrup(or molasses as has been mentioned earlier). Thick, nasty and won't go away. And I really loved Coke too. Anyone else?
lonecoyote said:
This thread is full of so much great stuff. I wonder if anyone else has this experience that bassplayer kind of alluded to: You give up something that was a borderline addiction for you, come back and have a taste a few months later, and it tastes like crap. Happened to me with that sugar laden devil soda pop. Can't even tolerate a sip now. Aftertaste feels like I just drank a chug of pancake syrup(or molasses as has been mentioned earlier). Thick, nasty and won't go away. And I really loved Coke too. Anyone else?

Whole milk.

The milk leaves a gross film of fat across my teeth. The Coke is too sweet, as you mentioned. Its like drinking candy.


MikeMartial said:
Fast food (Watch "Super Size Me", and you'll never eat at McDonald's again, I swear)--I don't gain weight, but I can only imagine where all that crap is going. I used to have a fast-food weakness. Used to eat it once a week, at least. Uh uh, no way, not ever again. Go see the movie, trust me. :)

Simple sugars. I've seen the end result of diabetes, and cutting simple sugars out is one of the best ways to reduce the chances.
I cut out fast food long ago. It really is habit forming, as I tried it two years after quitting, and couldn't stand it. The smell still gets my mouth watering though.
I have cut out fast food except for Subway salads. I cut out white bread, sugar sodas, most fruit juice. I cut down on pasta and potatoes. I saute instead of fry. I drink nonfat milk. Chocolate, cookies and ice cream are my enemies but I do love them nonetheless, so can't give them up. The key I found is moderation in everything. ;) TW
i can no longer eat ketchup...even though when i was small i would eat it by the spoonful...

on a serious note...i kicked little debbie out of my life for good...walked by her in the grocery store and didn't even look twice...the sizzle had gone out of the relationship
bignick said:
i can no longer eat ketchup...even though when i was small i would eat it by the spoonful...

on a serious note...i kicked little debbie out of my life for good...walked by her in the grocery store and didn't even look twice...the sizzle had gone out of the relationship

What now, can you resist for good or will it be a new one with Sara Lee ...??? TW
we've had our offs and ons over the years...but this is it...i'm over her...and sara is just too stuck up for me...
bignick said:
we've had our offs and ons over the years...but this is it...i'm over her...and sara is just too stuck up for me...
Sure, sure. We all know what has happened, Marie Callender moved in and kick those other junk hussies out on the pavement.
Regular Pop. Sugar and Cream from my Coffee. French Fries from my "Fast Food" lunches. 75% of my red meat intake.
loki09789 said:
The other thing is the 'satisfaction' factor in soda. The carbonation feels good, it is really easy to get and the sugar tastes good.

The thing that I found helped me wean off of sodas was drinking carbonated water. Some brands (such as Perrier and "La Croix", which is fun to mispronounce too) have only water and natural fruit flavors without sweeteners.

I've given thought to getting a CO2 machine at home so I can seltzer-fy my tap water.
I cut out all sugar and highly refined food, i.e. enriched white flour, etc. Snacks are fruits. Then for balanced meals I make sure I am eating 2/3 plant life.

There is plenty of variety of good food out there. I don't miss my Mountain Dew or blueberry cake donuts!
I have limited my self to one soft drink a day and that's only if i am at school or hanging out at a friend's house and thats only if i feel like i deserve one...if I have been giving a 110% every day and eating better and exercising harder...i consider a soft drink a reward to myself.

Also i have removed chocolate completly out of my diet.....most sugars, but only a little in my echinacea (SP) tea.

So all in all i have a better lifestyle...its gonna be hard but I need this to get myself in even better shape. :asian:
PeachMonkey said:
The thing that I found helped me wean off of sodas was drinking carbonated water. Some brands (such as Perrier and "La Croix", which is fun to mispronounce too) have only water and natural fruit flavors without sweeteners.

I've given thought to getting a CO2 machine at home so I can seltzer-fy my tap water.

I have this thing for force carbonating my Homebrew beer... Ive used it on other drinks... (Carbonated Milk anyone?) but it never quite worked to my satisfaction... :idunno:
sifu nick said:
So far I cut out the soda and junk foods. Next step is the beer. Already drinking light beer and even that is rarely.
Actually, you'll be happy to know that beer cuts your cholesterol and is ( you can tell your wives ) officially a good health choice!! ;)

It's not the fat that's really the problem either , it's what you eat it with. The biggest evil is refined carbs ( like bread and pasta and whiterice and anything with flour)!! Especially when you combine it with fat, it's the perfect excuse for a middle age spread ( even when your only 20 ) . Dry carb and sugar , not okay!! Protein and fat, okay( even ice cream and cheese........just not together unless your either pregnant or a lil weird ) ! Protein and sugar ( as far as weight loss/ maintenance ) okay! Look at Japan and China, where they have the biggest population of centurians ( and obviously best health) , in most places, they don't even know what bread is!! Most of their dietary intake is veg, particularly leafy and cooked ( even lettuce would you believe) ( albeit oily as it usually is), plently of fruit and mass amounts of both water ( at different temperatures) and green tea.
They do eat alot of rice, but without the sugar and stabilised fat, together with hot clear fluids, it's makes the difference in their diet. Good health ( including activity) is a lifestyle! You do it or you don't.

Refined sugar is rare and unnessessary and neither is salt, in favour of herbs and natural flavour from what ever's in the pot. To be frank at first it's a little tasteless but having just arrived back from nearly a yr in China, the difference in ideals of "healthy eating" are blatantly obvious. If you're serious about some good health, it's something to consider at minimum.

Possibley a little in your face, but true nonetheless.

Cheers Maers
