What have you cut out of your diet?


Brown Belt
May 13, 2004
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As I get older, the pounds seem to come on and stay on more easily. I don't diet, as in follow a program but I have cut certain things out and gotten my weight down. What have some of you cut out? I have cut out soda pop, because the sugar makes it so high in empty calories, and foods and beverages in general with high fructose corn syrup, not just candy and cakes and pop, but also most breakfast cereals, granola bars, and fruit punch drinks like hawaiin punch, etc. Also fast foods from McDonalds, Burger King, whatever, yes I know they also sell salads, but if I'm in there I'm more likely to buy something unhealthy that if I never darkened their door. any other ideas, thoughts, on what we shouldn't be eating?
The only way I keep from gaining a bunch of weight - even when exercising a lot - is to try and cut out high-fat foods of any kind.
the best diet I have found is the chinese weight loss diet,all the rice you can eat with one chop stick!
Ha sounds good :p
I took out all the obviouse bad food besides pepsi cuz its good :p but i drink pepsi edge :p so now i can have twice as much :p
Fast food (Watch "Super Size Me", and you'll never eat at McDonald's again, I swear)--I don't gain weight, but I can only imagine where all that crap is going. I used to have a fast-food weakness. Used to eat it once a week, at least. Uh uh, no way, not ever again. Go see the movie, trust me. :)

Simple sugars. I've seen the end result of diabetes, and cutting simple sugars out is one of the best ways to reduce the chances.
I cut out soda products along time ago and have never looked back. Everytime i think of drinking them i just imagine pouring molasses down my throat.

I was reading a book by Dr. Masaaki Hatsumi, the current Soke of Ninjutsu, and he says to cut out all sugars/salts and basic additives. While i can't do that 100%, u can definately try to cut down on that stuff.

And lastly, DRINK WATER! I think probably 90% of all American's don't drink enough water. Your urine should be clear most all of the time, if not, you haven't had enough water.

I found the best way for me to drink it is to just take alot of little sips here and there. Having to chug alot at once sux, so try the sippy way. :)
I cut out fast foods, caffinated beverages of all kinds, no carbonated beverages (even water), chocolate :waah:, kids cereals, most soft breads (eat whole grain in limited quantities), potatoes.

Drink LOTS of water the sippy way, too.
STARBURST!!! and it pains me every day.

I am also trying to cut out Ice Cream .... although, not too successfully.
Let's see, I have the exact same problem. As I have aged I tend to gain weight that will not leave. I have successfully lost 25 pounds over the last two years, but have hit a set point now that I am having trouble dropping through.

Anyway, I watch sugar intake (or I try to but I love reeses cups...), try to limit drinking sodas and when I do I drink Coke C2, limit eating fast foods and when I do I try to avoid french fries because they are calorie bombs. I am also trying to simply eat less at a setting. There is some belief that if you only eat until you feel satisfied, not super full, that it is healthier and will promote a good wieght.

My wife, bless her for her patients with a meat and potatoe raised husband, really pushes us to eat large salads before we eat anything else, thus reducing the amount of room I have to eat large quanties of high calorie food.
I know that if I really like it, I shouldn't eat it.

So far I cut out the soda and junk foods. Next step is the beer. Already drinking light beer and even that is rarely.
well my diet was a vegan diet for three years but i came away from that about a year ago, i am still a healthy size, a little heavier. looking to make a few dietry changes, i try to avoid soda and drink as much water as possible, i still limit my dairy intake after being vegan. junk food is everywhere i swear they are putting it everywhere, i mean i went to a DIY store the other day to buy some paint for decorating and there's chocolate bars by the cash registers - its terrible.

oh and AaronLucia, what hatsumi book was it, i wouldn't mind having a look into that.
I really don't think I have cut out anything as much as moderated how much or or how often I pick certain things.

I could almost all the meals for the family and have to tailor the menu to tastes so that might narrow down the choices or make for some 'staple meals' that are reliably satisfying.

I look at it as "what do I eat consistently and like to eat" and then try (stress TRY) to consider the health factor of how much and how often. I know many diet programs encourage a 'binch day' or 'off diet day' so that people can feed the fix in reasonable doses.
little debbie's

but she keeps tricking me when i'm at the grocery store
I tried to cut out soda, and was doing a good job for a while. Problem is I became such a caffene junkie when I was in college, breaking the habit is near impossibly i think now. Tea/coffee are just nasty IMO as well, so it limits me. hehe. The best thing I've found to reduce my soda intake is to trade off with hyper-caffenated drinks like Bawls: Guarana which help since it's the same amount of caffene in less soda. ;) Course, they're more expensive (~$17 per case at CompUSA since they don't carry it at Krogers/Giant Eagle yet), so that's a good deterrent as well. :p
Doughnuts and juice. Not too bad considering I have to sort of watch my weight.

I cannot possibly ever give up chocolate, so I try to have a few M&Ms per week and not go too crazy by denying myself for long periods of time.

I gave up juice because I like it WAY too much. I drank juice all the time, no water. Juice has lots of calories. I try to stick to mostly water, but a popular beverage at our house is 1/2 juice-1/2 water.
I can eat many doughnuts at one sitting..I try to avoid them at all costs. If you're ever in San Jose, CA, try "Lou's Donut Shop and Living History Museum." The best!!
Cafeteria food. Been packing a sack lunch, saving $ and dropping lbs.
In Boot Camp (1975) the D.I.'s weaned us off cokes. After that I steered clear of them and drank Tab (remember that?). Then when Diet Coke came out I drank that. I quit diet sodas about three or four years ago.

Sodas can reeeeally help you pack on the pounds. Diet soda isn't really healthy...so that's why I gave that up. I was drinking about a six pack of those a day...sometimes double that.

Gave up beer in 1987. I sometimes drink non-alchoholic beer. Gave up wine in 1987. I sometimes whine when I'm desperate for sex. I gave up hard liquor in 1987...and I'm not even going to touch that one.


Are diet sodas really unhealthy? Most I've seen on the subject is that they're suspected to increase the risk of cancer, but those studies also mention that the cancer rates were rising steadily for years before the introduction of artifical sweeterners like Aspartame. (Not trying to argue the point, I'd just like some solid info one way or the other.)
I thought the phosphorus in sodas weren't good for bones. TW
The kicker in soda/pop is the sugar. I don't know about the ill affects of Phosphorous but I do know, according to 'my health experts' (please read on line research and the health text books that the kids use in school) that soda is no more unhealthy for you than drinking juice when you consider sugar content.

Of course, juices (natural) have health properties that soda will not.

The other thing is the 'satisfaction' factor in soda. The carbonation feels good, it is really easy to get and the sugar tastes good. What does that mean for me? I drink way too much of it if I don't watch myself. The Caf factor with certain brands combines with the sugar and really revs up your sweet addiction too.

I don't cut soda or juice out now. I just don't keep soda around the house.

Same with candy/sweets/baking goods (cookies, donuts...). They aren't in the house on a regular basis. I treat myself at functions or when we eat out or something. Candy at halloween is a seasonal treat (and helps keep me warm during hunting season...or so I tell myself) as are Christmas/Thanksgiving "Bad foods" like pies, cakes, ....

In the end, I just try to work out intensely and consistently (getting harder to find that "injury free edge" as I get older) so I can treat myself with "everything in moderation" - except coffee...addicted and admitting it.

I don't know about the rest of you, but it seems like it is easier for me to work out to compensate for any bad eating habits than to watch my dietary habits.