What have you borrowed/stolen from other Arts?

Yes are art have a common peice so in reality they all have taken something from somewhere.
Having trained in different types of arts I can say I have borrowed much from each of them. In Shotokan sparring I am very dangerous simply because I use the kicks taught to me from years of TKD, something Shotokan does not focus on in great detail. I can also roll on the ground with anyone in my dojo using JJ, something only lightly touched. Having studied two forms of Karate now I have the hand work and the ability to work "inside" on someone, something that alot of TKD doesn't use or focus on. I am happy to give credit to my teachings outside of whatever style I am working on, but yes I would still roll it all into and call it one style to save on head scratching.
The self defense at my school is an amalgamation of aikido, jujutsu, hapkido, judo, and a little wrestling. We also incorporate weapons from Japanese Kobudo. However, the style we practice is not a 'pure' style of TKD due to the influence of our Master's training in karate and aikido, thus we also have techniques taken from those.
I suppose my personal take on this topic is that there are some styles which philosophically do not go well together and thus to incorporate one into another, some changes in the philosophy must be addressed. (Aikido's soft flowing avoidance vs. Tae Kwon Do's hard blocks and direct strikes, for example). Also it was brought up that when the old masters incorporated new elements, they often changed the name of the style, but that begs the question: At what point does it become a new style and when is it just TKD with some of (insert style here)?

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