What happened to my post count?

WHAT!!! :jaw-dropping:
WELL I NEVER!!!:cuss:

Eliminate posts counts!!!:erg:

Eliminate Sections!!!!!:angry:
Don’t eliminate sections!!!!:flammad:
Reorganize don’t reorganize!!! :argue: :tantrum:

OK I think that was sufficient outrage and indignation

Whatever you want to do Bob, it works for me, it’s your house.:bangahead: :asian:

Rock on :headbangin:

Upon reading this before I hit the "Submit button" I am realizing that I am apparently in a rather strange mood today
Yes, yes we do.

The closest we now have is:sadsong:

I suppse we could put one of those big red circles with a line through over one of these :vu: :wah:


Good thinking, XS! That would be the perfect icon....
I've got a few thousand smilies on file....sadly, the staff won't let me add some of them. ;)

Here's some post stats:
TLP thread - 54,595
B&G - 100,118
LR - 147,087

I looked through the B&G and there's some good stuff in there, going back to 2002. Anyone want to sift through the 50+ pages of old discussions, games etc and bump them? If something fits a different section of the site better, report it and suggest wher we should put it? (Be nice) ;)

I don't want to take the fun away, but personally, I'd rather read art info than toast recipies. I can watch Good Eats for those.

Would a non-counted game area be acceptable?

Looking at alot of those threads, moving them to LR would keep the count and history.

I'm also concerned over old covered in dust discussions in the art sections that could use a spark of new life to rejuvinate those sections...anyone want to raise some dead?
Since Drac is the Prince of Darkness, my vote is with him to raise the dead.

Bob I will be able to take a shot at some of this this weekend and will try to do my best.
Appreciated. Need to figure out how to bring more folks in to make the art sections as busy as TLP thread.

I'm pushing through a number of ideas in the back too, we should see them hitting the public site within a few days.
I don't want to take the fun away, but personally, I'd rather read art info than toast recipies. I can watch Good Eats for those.

HEY! Wait a minute here SFC JeffJ STILL owes me a Chocolate Pie recipe :rpo: :uhyeah:

I'm also concerned over old covered in dust discussions in the art sections that could use a spark of new life to rejuvinate those sections...anyone want to raise some dead?

Let me see what is there and if I can I will but I make no promises.
I'm going to come across a bit harsh here, but I just woke up so ain't seeing straiht quite yet.

If a moderator wants to comb through the 50,000+ posts in TLP thread to prune out the nuggests then, hey, go for it. I'm not. I don't read it and don't play in it. But if thee as been serious discussions in there, they should have been split off and allowed to nurture the rest of the site.

I've got people telling me we have too many forums now, so cut back.
I've got people telling me it's all organized wrong so move things around.
I've got people telling me "X" won't work so drop it. ("X" changes alot)

Balance is a part of the arts, and a part of what I believe in. I feel the site is moving away from the arts and more into a social chat and that's not my vision. There are plenty of sites where chat is all, and I've always seen this one as being more.

So, when I see that our top forum for December is the B&G (3,653 posts), #2 is The Study (1,582 posts) and then General Martial Arts Talk (1,475 posts) I get a bit concerned. In fact, of the Top 10 active sections, only 2 are art ones Tae-Kwon-Do (635) & Kenpo / Kempo - General (368)

I don't want to drop the social aspects of the site, but if it's going to remain a Martial Arts resource, then we need art posts. The B&G was initially opened up because people were chatting in serious threads and drifting them badly. It was to be a low-moderation, not serious place. The least serious spot on MT.

Maybe, it's time to revisit the whole idea. There's much in the B&G that would fit in the Locker Room (which was the original casual area). Maybe merging them and a seperate "game thread" section set up, with the idea that if something serious breaks out, it's split and put in the correct place. We need the social stuff though, and the games, and the toys. It's simple business...if we don't have cool fun things to keep people here longer, or coming back more, we die.

I dunno. It's too early in the day for me and I haven't had my tea yet. zzzzzzzzz


I think that not counting the posts in non-forum vision areas is a good thing. (* This leaves it up to staff to count the staff area or not, as this is really the only pay they do get for a job that no one really understands unless they have lived it before. *)

I think leaving the B&G and LR would be good so that tech threads are not taken off topic too much.

I like the LR as this is where I Can talk Technical and or post about vehicles and gadgets and electronics and stuff with other people who like martial arts and also like gadgets.

I don't want to take the fun away, but personally, I'd rather read art info than toast recipies.

I'm also concerned over old covered in dust discussions in the art sections that could use a spark of new life to rejuvinate those sections...anyone want to raise some dead?

Hmmmmm...no fun allowed...posting on martial arts only, not chat topics...not counting posts in chat areas...bumping old threads...all this sounds like someone I know, but I can't quite place him. Handsome guy, very smart...what was his name? :D
Hmmmmm...no fun allowed...posting on martial arts only, not chat topics...not counting posts in chat areas...bumping old threads...all this sounds like someone I know, but I can't quite place him. Handsome guy, very smart...what was his name? :D

Would that be you
Hmmmmm...no fun allowed...posting on martial arts only, not chat topics...not counting posts in chat areas...bumping old threads...all this sounds like someone I know, but I can't quite place him. Handsome guy, very smart...what was his name? :D
With 10% of your posts in the Last Post Whore--er, Person thread? :lol:
I said raise the dead. If I wanted bumps, I'd call the Hardys.