What fiction book are you currently reading?

Just finished "The Samurai Inheritance" which is not actually about Samurai overall. Now starting "Silencer" by Andy McNab.
Reading James Pattersons Private series. It's a Sam Spade-ish detective series.
I love detective novels. After finishing up harry bosch series i have my hand on, i currently reading mongo the magnificient detective series.
It is a twist in private eyes novel since it is including conspiracy teories that dwell on psychics and a dwaf karate blackbelt who was a circus tumbler who currently a univ prof in criminology and private eye who happens to have a private line to us president.
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Reading Swan Song by McCammon. Read it in the nineties, enjoying it even more this time.
Reading The Companions by R.A. Salvatore. It is the first novel in a series written by different authors.
I have heard it may be one of the best novels written by Salvatore.
I just finished reading an amazing book called The Last Umbra by M.R Chavez. He has a unique take on the Japanese culture by bringing a samurai warrior to early California. The book is full of action that kept me entertained from beginning to end.

A Historical Adventure, Action-thriller. It is focused on the admiration for the Japanese warrior class. This book tells of not a pride filled Samurai, but instead, a ninja assassin on a quest in gold-rush era California.

If anyone want to check it out you can find it here.

Just finished 'The Way of Kings' by Brandon Sanderson, onto the second volume Words of Radiance.

Would have to rate it in my top 10 of all time books, it contained great story line and the psychology and philosophy found throughout was very clever.
The brotherhood of the Rose by David Morrell it's a trilogy next part The fraternity of stone followed by the league of night and fog I have read and reread a few times love these books
finished 'The Help'
didn't follow through on 'The End Of Eternity' (I am guessing I will get around to it in the future - or past ;) )
Not currently reading it, but I always recommend 'The Name of The Wind', and it's sequel 'The Wise Man's Fear' to everyone who asks for a book. Anyone who is a fan of Game of Thrones, Lord of The Rings, or anything like that will love this series. One of the best I've ever read.
I am reading one called THE BIG HEAD by Edward Lee...a really disgusting horror novel. It is like a rite of passage for fans of the genre. In fact, I think I heard somewhere that he purposely set out to write the grossest book ever. Yet somehow, it doesn't read like trash fiction. The writing is actually quite good.
Oh, I finished Gates of fire and currently halfway through Virtues of War by Steven pressfield.

I would rather feel pain than nothing at all.

I had yesterday off from work, and I tore through one third of the book in one day. The only thing slowing me down today is this job!!!