What fiction book are you currently reading?

Net Force is good stuff. I read all the Clancy and all those other little series books he does outside his main continuity. Op-Center is another good series he did. Too bad he's not writing anymore and is just a name to sell.

Conan The Barbarian (2011 movie Novelization) - Stackpole. Not bad so far. This dude has written on some Star Wars novels so he's pretty decent. The book seems to be treading lightly between REH and the old movie, then throwing in references to the comic (Buseck's Born On The Battlefield) and even the cartoon. The story also jumps from his childhood way into his adulthood but before he is king leaving a 10 year gap that one assumes the earlier REH stories occurred (there is even a mention of Belit!).
Five Ancestors - Dragon by Jeff Stone
it's book 7 of the series and looks like it's going to be the last one (meaning the bad guy gets it.)

The story through the other 6 volumes took a rather unexpected turn....
it written for kids but I found myself having trouble putting it down.
Aye, if it doesn't engage the reader then that's always a sign that a 'story' has failed, Don :nods:.
Well, soon I'll have my hand on Metro 2034, the sequel to Metro 2033. It's a post-apocalyptic sci-fi taking place in the subway system Metro beneath Moscow. The inhabitants fight against mutants, psychic and chemical anomalies and most of all - each other. The stations are divided between communists, nazis ("The fourth Reich") and politically gray groups. Very fascinating and claustrophobic.
Last night I read Brad Thor's new book: Full Black. Very good, with a deep, thinly veiled contempt for George Soros... no, really
Just starting Monster Hunter Alpha by Larry Correia, because Earl Harbinger BAMF wouldn't have been a good title?
That would have been a great title. To bad if people don't ******* get it. Just started Monster Hunter Alpha myself and it is great. Larry Correia so far has been a good, consistent story teller.
The Sword of the Lady by SM Stirling - its OK, the main character is way too perfect, expert warrior, singer, amazingly good looking, etc etc etc. but a good continuation of the "Dies the Fire" world.

A Dance with Dragons by Martin.... Finally. On page 600, and it isn't progressing terribly quickly, but good to revisit old friends, and no so old friends. Reek, ugh, why is this viewpoint here?
The problem with Martin is that he has so much going on that he needs seperate books to handle the same timeline but for different characters. How do you solve that problem?
The problem with Martin? I hate this armchair quarterback BS. The man has written quite possibly the greatest series ever and of course it's going to take a shape heretofore unseen because of how unique his creation is. Why is it there is so much complaining about nothing from the peanut gallery? So far the whole thing is a stunning achievement and it seems people like yourself see a problem where there is non. How do you solve the problem? What problem I ask. You see it as a problem that we have 2 parallel books? Like that's never happened before, one contemporary story that has lots of that is the Malazan series.

The only sad thing about his achievement is people who could never equal it and their need to drag it down. Parallel books, a long time between books. Not like any of this has not been done before.
I'm a customer, he wants me to buy his books. I am giving feed back on the product. That's how it works.

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