What fiction book are you currently reading?

Audiobooks don't count as reading since you are not ya know ... reading. Hearing the story is one thing, but when you mom read you a bedtime story it was her reading not you.

And now the good news! GRRM's A Dance Of Dragons has a firm release date! Winter is coming. http://io9.com/#!5775706/george-rr-martins-a-dance-with-dragons-gets-a-release-date-july-12

Also, here's the motion poster for the upcoming Conan movie. I post it here because he's a literary character and I've been dipping into my Conan collection for the past week. http://www.aintitcool.com/node/48714
Hmm, I am eyeing my wife's copy of The Tenth Circle by Jodi Picoult after I finish Old Man's War by John Scalzi. Picoult seems to be popular with women, but I don't mind the occasional Maeve Binchy book, so I'm going to give it a chance.
Now reading Christopher Moore's Bite Me. Anxiously awaiting A Kingdom Besieged by Raymond Feist, which, because I am impatient, I ordered from Amazon.uk
No, I never noticed that only the Star Spangled Banner is referred to as spangled. But, I will remember it.
Ok, just got a new haul from the book store. I will have to go open the bag to list all I got, but the two highlights are the latest two John LeCarre novels.
I'm reading both, they are wildly different enough, You Suck! by Christopher Moore, and Men at Arms by Pratchett. So, there are two of you to blame...
I just finished Dan Brown's latest monstrosity.

I'm currently readin 'Ravensoul' by James Barclay.
A bit predictable but an interesting read nonetheless.
I am working through A Desert Called Peace by Tom Kratman

I am not quite sure what to make of this, a book with a disjointed timeline showing the discovery and colonization of a new world (Nova Terra), how the UN and all the liberal organizations take over our planet, how the Nova Terra countries become established and grow into exact analogies to modern 20th century countries, how geopolitical and religion issues are remarkably similar to year 2000 issues including a terrorist attack on the "Global Commerce Center" of the Federated States by a Muslim extremist group. The book focuses on the founding of a mercenary band that gets employed in the ensuing war and all the things they can do to thwart the liberals and media that seek to impair their prosecution of the war.

I think Pournelle, Drake, Ringo, and Stirling have done similar and better work on the topic, I really can't recommend it.

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