What fiction book are you currently reading?

I'm reading, "THE QUEST" by Wilbur Smith. Its the fourth Book about Ancient Egypt. My only ***** is that Wilbur Smith made all the Egyptians White guys, as in Blonde Hair Blue eyed white guys, but what R YA gonna do? Its a good series other than that.
I know about the new Destroyer series, I'm pretty excited. as always my backlog of books to read is a couple weeks long so it's all about scheduling. I love a good action book, Flemming, Amis, Clancy, Ludlum, I'm a sucker for that stuff when I'm not reading fantasy and sci-fi.
As for books, right now I'm reading George RR Martin's A Clash of Kings, amazing book. GRRM is my second favorite fantasy author after Terry Goodkind (me being an Ayn Rand fan can you blame me?).

A Song of Ice and Fire is the third best series I've read, the first being Lord of the Rings and the second being The Dark Tower. I have no comment on Goodkind.

If you've just started ASOIAF, a piece of advice; take it slow and savor it. Book #5 is stalling, much to my frustration. I wonder if he'll ever finish it!
Yeah, I know about GRRM's slow down. It's just that I've got them all (picked 'em up on sale last weekend) so I can finally tell everyone "Shut up, I'm reading it ok!"
I am ALWAYS reading a novel. The one I'm reading now is not fiction, but it's entertaining all the same. Marley and Me. It's hilarious. :) I haven't seen the movie, but I have laughed out loud reading the book. I'm about 2/3 through.
I'm getting ready to start Storm from the Shadows by David Weber. It's the next novel in the space opera/war novels about the admirable person of Honor Harrington. Not only is she a well written strong female character (as are many of characters in these books), it's a well written story with nicely written and explained military strategy and well done battle scenes. Can't wait!
"King Rat" - China Mieville.

Anyone here into contemporary fantasy genres or know much about it? I am on the above and really quite like it. I have not tried much at all in the fantasy genre after kind of growing out of Terry Pratchett. Anyone recommend any modern, contemporary fantasy ie. set in real-world environments? Not sword and sorcery stuff... Help appreciated. Thanks, Jenna
"King Rat" - China Mieville.

Anyone here into contemporary fantasy genres or know much about it? I am on the above and really quite like it. I have not tried much at all in the fantasy genre after kind of growing out of Terry Pratchett. Anyone recommend any modern, contemporary fantasy ie. set in real-world environments? Not sword and sorcery stuff... Help appreciated. Thanks, Jenna

Have you read any of Neil Gaiman's stuff? I read "Neverwhere" and it was similar to Amazon's description of "King Rat". He also wrote a book with Terry Pratchett called "Good Omens" which was a spoof of end-of-days movies like "The Omen".

You might also try Clive Barker. "Imagica" and "Weaveworld" are really good.
I love both Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett! I came to reading Neil through his work in comics then went over to his novels. Terry I discovered because I read every Douglas Adams book and asked the guy at my book store for something similar. Good Omens was awesome!
I'll add my vote for Neil Gaiman. He has a nice way of interweaving various mythos into a cohesive whole. I recommend Anansi Boys, American gods...well..just about anything...American Gods is about the older norse gods and the new gods (like television, railroad, internet).

I can think of a few other authors, but my mind is mush at this time of day...will try to add some later
I'm about 1/4 of the way through Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. OMG I can't believe this book was written, but I'm loving it!

P&P&Z combines my fondness for both Jane Austen and Zombie fiction. It's intentionally funny that way. Expect a very Austen style of prose interspersed with accounts of Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters vanquishing the sorry stricken with their Shaolin-trained warrior skills. Pure fun!
I'm about 1/4 of the way through Pride and Prejudice and Zombies. OMG I can't believe this book was written, but I'm loving it!

P&P&Z combines my fondness for both Jane Austen and Zombie fiction. It's intentionally funny that way. Expect a very Austen style of prose interspersed with accounts of Elizabeth Bennet and her sisters vanquishing the sorry stricken with their Shaolin-trained warrior skills. Pure fun!

I read the first chapter at Barnes & Noble last Saturday and almost bought it on the spot. It looks great and it's a funny concept. I wish I had thought of it!
John Le Carre - A Most Wanted Man.

Le Carre's one of my literary heros. You guys gotta check his stuff out.
"King Rat" - China Mieville.

Anyone here into contemporary fantasy genres or know much about it? I am on the above and really quite like it. I have not tried much at all in the fantasy genre after kind of growing out of Terry Pratchett. Anyone recommend any modern, contemporary fantasy ie. set in real-world environments? Not sword and sorcery stuff... Help appreciated. Thanks, Jenna

Charles de Lint http://www.sfsite.com/charlesdelint/
Modern world stuff with a bit of a fantasy twist. Some of his stuff will really make you think.
Currently re-reading after a twenty year lay-off "Deryni Rising" (Volume 1 of the Chronicles of the Deryni) by Katherine Kurtz.

The reason for the long hiatus was not that these books are no good but because they're a bit too 'gritty' in places. By this I don't mean that there's loads of swearing, graphic violence and full frontal nudity but that real politik plays a strong role and if a character is honourable and good then they usually end up dead (or any good that they have achieved is undone) :(.
Currently re-reading after a twenty year lay-off "Deryni Rising" (Volume 1 of the Chronicles of the Deryni) by Katherine Kurtz.

The reason for the long hiatus was not that these books are no good but because they're a bit too 'gritty' in places. By this I don't mean that there's loads of swearing, graphic violence and full frontal nudity but that real politik plays a strong role and if a character is honourable and good then they usually end up dead (or any good that they have achieved is undone) :(.

Sounds intense man. How do they compare to GRRM's Song Of Fire And Ice?
The Spy Who Haunted Me, by Simon R Green. Droods again, + Walker from the Nightside books and a few other special guest stars. I like it.
On deck are Nightworld and Blackwind by F Paul Wilson. Since Blindside got me hooked on these, I have had to order a used copy of Reprisal, because it is out of print... what a PITA...

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