What fiction book are you currently reading?

I was going to pick up Brad Thor's The First Commandment, but, as I was leaving the store I got sidetracked :(
Finally have been reading "The Children of Hurin" :faints:. It's only taken me about a year and a half to get far enough down the stack to reach it ... I blame the internet :lol:.
Finally have been reading "The Children of Hurin" :faints:. It's only taken me about a year and a half to get far enough down the stack to reach it ... I blame the internet :lol:.
Post a quick review when you can. I'm contemplating picking it up relatively soon...
I spent an hour or so mining the 29 pages of this thread and hopping back and forth between this, my library and Barnes and Noble's websites.
I picked up a couple of books after seeing them mentioned here, and both were very enjoyable.
I did something I have never done before. I bought a book, because of a TV commercial.
Now I am reading Brad Thor's Lions of Lucerne, having started backwards through his novels, I am now to his first and am loving it.
Post a quick review when you can. I'm contemplating picking it up relatively soon...

I can say that the background details that it fills in are quite interesting but the writing is very much in the style of the Silmarrilion - it tells the story effectively enough but it's historical reportage rather than drama.
I just finished the book from the latest Indiana Jones movie (Crystal skull) Not a bad read.
I'm impressed :) I enjoyed "Captured by the Engines" but didn't think it was a particularly good sample of Joe's work. If you haven't read any of Joe's other work I would highly recommend it (in fact, I'd highly recommend Joe's work to anyone who enjoys a good yarn; he's written stuff in just about any genre you want to mention) - with the caveat that he is pretty raw at times so if you're easily offended then you might want to close your eyes while you read it ;) He also wrote the novella that "Bubba Ho-Tep" is based on (a great movie starring Bruce Campbell and Ossie Davis). Also, the short story that "Incident On and Off a Mountain Road" is based on (this was the episode that kicked off the first season of "Masters of Horror" on Showtime and this was the best made-for-cable horror flick I've ever seen).



Great Lovecraftian Scholarship here! Always happy to meet a fellow HPL fan as especially one so well read and versed inthe Mythos. I too love the conneciton that King has to Lovecraft and enjoy tracing his characters back to the archetypes established by HPL.

Bubba Ho-Tep was a great movie! So underappreciated by the masses! I tried to get through Dagon but just found it too cheesy unfortunately. I did enjoy "Cast a Deadly Spell" though!

I'll be sure to try and find the "Masters of Horror" series on DVD.


"The Necronomicon" by ???
The fact that it is full of fiction but is supposed to be an authentic evil spellbook is pretty entertaining.
"The Necronomicon" by ???
The fact that it is full of fiction but is supposed to be an authentic evil spellbook is pretty entertaining.

That's what they want you to think. A shoggoth got my cousin once. He was reading page 133. Aloud.
Currently I am reading a Clive Cussler Novel called "Sacred Stone". It's ok, but not outstanding.

I have also been reading a collection of Short Stories by Steven King called "Everything is Eventual" that is much better (Mike I think one of Nyalothotep's avatars appears in a short story int his collection as well.. it's called "The Man in the Dark Suit" and it has appeared in a number of other collections and there is even a short filmbased on it). It includes the short story that the movie "1408" is based on.

I have been looking for a good list of Summer Reads and found this article on io9 that has some excellent recommendations:


For those not familiar with io9 it's a great spot for all things Sci-fi in nature!

I read the "Wanted" graphic novel last month in anticipation of the movie coming out this month. The GN was excellent but it looks as if the movie is taking a COMPLETELY different direction. Too bad really.

I just finished up Gordon R. Dickson's Tactics of Mistake. A little light, but not a bad read.
Whoever mentioned F Paul Wilson,
I am about a third of the way into The Tomb and am enjoying it very much
Just starting Voyage of the Shadowmoon by Sean McMullen. The book was given to me by a friend. I know nothing about the author. Anyone here ever read books by this author?
Based on another poster's recommendation, I'm reading Robert Asprin's Phule's Company.
That is the second author I've gotten to from this thread and couldn't be happier, so, thanks, whoever you were.
I read purely for entertainment, so let me recommend: Sir Apropos of Nothing by Peter Allen David, the way David uses the English language is just awesome.

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