What fiction book are you currently reading?

Originally posted by pknox
How was it? I saw the movie, but never read the book. Are there any big differences between the movie and the book?

Just finished: Labyrinth by Mark T. Sullivan
Starting: The Cave by Anne McLean Matthews
(what can I say... look at my name heh)
In the middle of Harry Potter Yr. 5 if I can get over to CeiCei's place often enough I can finish it.

To answer your question... rarely has ANY Stephen King book translated well into film. Exceptions have been The Dead Zone (original with Christopher Walken and Martin Sheen), Stand By Me (aka The Body), The Shawshank Redemption, The Shining (new version not with Nicholson and DuVal), and one or two others. The rest were done by directors who were more in to gore (Carrie: Tobe Hooper), or scares (The Shining: Krubrick) or generally had thier own visions of how it should be.

The books will always be better than the movies because King (IMHO) is that good of a writer. Personal favorites are IT and The Stand.
Just finished:

The 97th Step by Steve Perry
Sharpe's Rifles by Bernard Cornwell
Firelord by Parke Godwin

Just started:
Lord Hornblower by C.S. Forester
Just finsished Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Morgawr, by Terry Brooks. I don't have anything lined up next. Any suggestions from the Fantasy fans out there? I've read everything by Jordan, Goodkind, Farland, David Drake, George RR Martin, and several others I can't think of right now. Help me out here. :D
Originally posted by M F
Just finsished Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Morgawr, by Terry Brooks. I don't have anything lined up next. Any suggestions from the Fantasy fans out there? I've read everything by Jordan, Goodkind, Farland, David Drake, George RR Martin, and several others I can't think of right now. Help me out here. :D

Have you read any Piers Anthony? His Xanth series is great, but he has some other excellent books as well. I'd also recommend any of the Dragonlance books by Weis and Hickman.
I'm currently reading "The Great Book of Amber" by Roger Zelazy. It's all 10 of the Amber books in a compilation volume.
Originally posted by Akashiro Tamaya
Just got done reading Michael Criscton's Rising Sun again.

Did you read Crichton's Timeline? Someone gave it to me and I was just wondering if it was any good.
Just finsished Voyage of the Jerle Shannara, Morgawr, by Terry Brooks. I don't have anything lined up next. Any suggestions from the Fantasy fans out there? I've read everything by Jordan, Goodkind, Farland, David Drake, George RR Martin, and several others I can't think of right now. Help me out here.

Hmmm, have you read Sherwood by Parke Godwin? Yet another retelling of the Robin Hood tale, but in a different setting than most of the other versions. I'm not sure this is fantasy, maybe more like historical fiction.

For more of a fantasy book, how about something something by Steven Brust? Start with Jhereg or for a Dumas flavor try The Phoenix Gaurds. How about Glen Cook, the first three Black Company books are the best though they might be an acquired taste (The Black Company, Shadows Linger, The White Rose) and I will recommend a forth, though not technically a Black Company book: The Silver Spike. Spike was my favorite but you need to read the first three to have any understanding of the characters.

Have you read the Drake/Flint Belisarius series?

Hope I got one you haven't read yet. :)

Did you read Crichton's Timeline? Someone gave it to me and I was just wondering if it was any good.

IMO that was NOT a good book. It felt like it was designed to be turned into a movie, rather than be its own book. Bleah. I used to like Crichton....
Originally posted by Blindside
IMO that was NOT a good book. It felt like it was designed to be turned into a movie, rather than be its own book. Bleah. I used to like Crichton....

Interesting. Maybe Crichton has become a bit of a victim of his own success. The gentleman who gave it to me didn't read it either, but noticed it had a medieval slant to it, which is something I like. He figured I'd make better use of it. I'll let you know what I think when I get to it (I think have four or five more books to go first).
Originally posted by pknox
Did you read Crichton's Timeline? Someone gave it to me and I was just wondering if it was any good.

No, I didn't I think someone already made a comment regarding this book timeline. The strangest part was that I saw the movie then found the book at the Salvation Army.

I had this book for about a year and I thought It was good reading. Still enjoy as I was able to put faces to the characters.
The strangest part was that I saw the movie then found the book at the Salvation Army.

Um, I don't think the movie has released yet.

Most sites put the release date at November 26, 2003, as in seven weeks from now. Are you sure you aren't thinking of a different book?

Hope I got one you haven't read yet.

You got a bunch I haven't read yet. Like all of the ones you posted. :D I'll have to check some of those out. Thanks!

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