Sorry, but I don't want, nor need anyone's permission to quit. I'm a big boy!
Then why do you keep posting on here, asking if you should? Not meaning to be offensive or anything, personally I like you, but you seem to be very stubborn about this, refusing to give up on a school you hate, and just constantly complaining that you hate it/want to quit. I'm honestly not sure what advice we can give you that wouldn't be an echo of all our past forums.
As for the new advice that may be old advice I just dont remember, and almost definite an echo of others sentiments, who says you have to go every day?
Personally I think its better to go 2-3 times a week and train on your own the other days to let the lessons seep in without being overwhelmed. As for dojolocator, you can enter your exact address, and there is probably some sort of MA school within a 15-30 minute drive of either your house or your work. (I checked by your school and youre right there isnt much within 10 miles of the school outside of karate/mma/tkd/tsd, but you still have your house and your work area to look from.)
If you cant find one on dojolocator, ask coworkers, friends, acquaintances, even people you would never think do MA. They may go to a school, or know a friend who does, that just doesn't advertise very well (there are a LOT of those). Just because you can't find something online, don't give up looking. But if you don't want to look, then don't, just don't complain there are no schools near you, cause I can almost guarantee there are, even if its just one high ranking belt giving some friends private lessons.
Who cares how the other students are doing, or if they are ranking unfairly. you should be HAPPY you're not one of those, especially considering how much you proclaim you dont like mcdojos. By not playing their game, you're earning your belts through hard work, not money, be happy!
Finally, to be perfectly honest, if the school was as bad as that review suggests it wouldn't be in business and would be in at least one lawsuit over the whole not using safe technology and breaking fingers thing. Due to that (Which I'm considering an extreme exaggeration/manipulation of events/outright lie), I'm going to make the assumption that the rest of the review is biased as well, and not an accurate description of the dojo. Here is *youre* review of the school that I found through the web:
I went around this area from school to school and could not find a school that would teach a traditional martial art, teach discipline, promote a "team" environment and actually make you work for your black belt, instead of handing it to you!....Master (name) and Master (name) are brilliant masters and I am proud to be their student!
(took out the middle of it to make it a bit more private while conveying the tone of the review),which suggests you had the exact opposite attitude over the summer. are you sure the school is what changed so much, and not just your interest in MA?
EDIT: just so everyone knows, I put the above quote in all the different arrangements I could think, and sent it in on google before I posted this, and not once did i find his review, which is why I felt it wasn't inappropriate to post it here.