What do you wear? Street wise?

old jeans and a t-shirt and running shoes pretty much any time i get out.
black is a cool color and goes with almost anything. most of my tshirts are black. no blck pants though sep the funeral stuff.

with respect
I used to wear a thong and a set of pasties. But then the city imposed an ordnance stating that I would be exiled if I ever did that again. So now I just wear jeans and a tee. Shorts in the summer.
I usually will wear whatever for a top but almost always cargo pants.

However I do carry a couple things for a martial reason.

Surefire Flashlight L4
Kershaw Scallion blade
Medical supplies in my bag.
Food bars
Space blanket (Silver one)
zip ties

When I walk to work everyday, I assume I can't get back to my house for a while. You have to be proactive in a place like San Fran where you could be navigating around earthquakes at anytime.

The purpose of being prepared is not to be some psycho...its called being a survivor in a sea of helpless idiots.

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