What do you think of this

id dont know how everybody else feels about this stuff. backyard brawling was cool when i was in high school. defenitely not that cool anymore. but devoting youre entire website to sunday afternoon fight club sessions does not score well with the honeys.
Hey, Darwinism in action!!

Yeah, the concept may be cool, but just the fact that the person says that they wear headgear so he doesn't get sued.....and then posts clips of concussions, broken and cracked ribs, and various other such injuries......uh....has anyone signed a waiver? If not, then he is in for some SERIOUS legal trouble if he ain't careful.

'Course, it serves 'em all right, in my opinion. Backyard brawls like this are not smart, and have more risks than benefits.

Last, but not least.....who are they proving all this stuff TO? I mean, yeah, when I was like 10, my friends and I would have swordfights with plastic swords, and I won most of those matches. SO?

Yay. You are king of the backyard fights, dude. And, amazingly, it's......*gasp*....YOUR YARD!!! What a coincidence!!! :rolleyes:

Said it before, and here it is again: Yeah, I'm impressed. :shrug:

Very funny. Wonder if the guy in video #5 learned the importance of wearing a cup. Seriously you can tell just by those clips that those guys couldn't figh there way out of a paper bag.
How did you find this site? These guys are whacked! They checked their commonsense at the door I believe :rolleyes:

Originally posted by thenuhauser

idscore well with the honeys.

Speaking of Shelias....
Isn't there a series of video tapes with ladies 'rasslin in the back yard???? Now that is more like it..:D

Gene Gabel
I don't trust anybody who hangs their American flag backwards. Besides, it looks like a lot of them are afraid to get hit.

Oh well...maybe they should try it blindfolded.:shrug:
Originally posted by Monkey King

I don't trust anybody who hangs their American flag backwards. Besides, it looks like a lot of them are afraid to get hit.

Oh well...maybe they should try it blindfolded.:shrug:
I saw the guy get ruptured, I'd be afraid to take that hit. My voice is squeeky enough
Yeah they just seem to be flailing around alot for trained fighters. Some claim they aren't trained. I made the mistake of clicking on the 2 birds vid first and for a second thought I was watching a gay porno.:confused:
My 10 year old daughter, little 'Tashtigress' loved this site! She sat and clicked on vid after vid, laffin her fool little head off, yellin "Mommy, look at THIS idiot, Mommy, look, that guy just fell down and nobody even hit him!! Mommy look! Ha ha ha ha!!" We both say that the site is great entertainment, and if you need a hearty laff, do be sure to go have a look! :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Originally posted by Danny

Seriously you can tell just by those clips that those guys couldn't figh there way out of a paper bag.

I would have to agree, little or no training. As well as no controll.

Despair Bear
Originally posted by Danny

Very funny. Wonder if the guy in video #5 learned the importance of wearing a cup. Seriously you can tell just by those clips that those guys couldn't figh there way out of a paper bag.

What if the paper bag was wet, would they then have a chance?

Welp, I hate to be of a different opinion on this one but....

I reviewed ALL the clips..think theres like 50 of them, anyway....most of the clips feature fighters with little or no martial arts skill but a few of them show some very interesting techniques and skills. Some of the fighters look like they've done a fair amount of training.

Personally I don't think it looks that bad, theres going to be a few injuries that's for sure but they are definately learning as they go. I do something similar (only I hope to god it doesnt look as funny as the inexperienced fighters clips) We suit up and go at it. I find it the best way to find out what really works. Of course... the people I do this with are all experienced martial artists so... it's a bit different than what I was seeing.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

Welp, I hate to be of a different opinion on this one but....


They may look crazy, they may BE crazy, but these are the exact idiots that are gonna be attacking you and anyone can get a shot in on a given day. So laugh now, but be aware....

These are just punks who watch too much WWF. I love the guy who BREAKS HIS OWN RIBS by pulling the guy down on him (WTF was he thinking?) he's lucky the guy didn't land in his face. Staff fighting without a cup, AND raising your leg (MORON). The guy in the concussion vid could have learned those moves watching ANY UFC tape.

Me and my buddies in high school had better brawls just playing on the beach.

The reason these guys do this is because they couldn't get a "Sheila" on their best day anyway- gotta do something with all that angst...


You guys have watched ALL the videos right? The ones about injuries are funny ya but the rest have some nifty fights in them. Er.. A few nifty fights in there if you look for them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD
Originally posted by Damian Mavis

You guys have watched ALL the videos right? The ones about injuries are funny ya but the rest have some nifty fights in them. Er.. A few nifty fights in there if you look for them.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD

Umm, well, err....... naw they don't. Watching the ones with the injuries was enough to see the true "genius" of these braniacs.
The others really just confirmed it.

Well off the top of my head I know I learned at least one technique that was very interesting. Think they called it the triple sweep. I was very impressed with the fluidity and speed of his execution and the fact that it actually worked. Some of these guys have at least some skill. If you object to the way they are training.... alot of serious martial artists train similiarly. It's either that or get into real fights. I don't know about you but it is very important that I learn from actual combat or as close to it every once in a while or I feel like I'm kidding myself. It's no more dangerous than fighting in the ring which I do on a regular basis.... I swear I'm in a constant state of healing.

Like I said... a few of the videos had some interesting things in it, the rest looked silly. Just gotta keep an objective mind while going through them.

I'm curious though... to those that hated the videos, what was it you really didn't like? The way they train or the fact that most of them had no skill? I'm curious.

Damian Mavis
Honour TKD