Corporal Hicks said:
Hi, I recently came across this self defence site, and some of the things that are printed on the page not only infuriated me but also put doubt into my mind about how effective Martial Arts really are in self defence situation. After reading this what do you think? I personally think, this guy is just trying to sell his product and is using these means, what about you?
First off, I'll start by saying that no video anywhere, put out by anyone, can actually replace the quality instruction that you'd get from a live instructor. IMO, tapes are good as a reference point ONLY, NOT to learn off of! Learning off of a tape is no different than Daniel from the Katate Kid learning from a book!!
Now, back to the question. I think that the guy brought up some good points, however, I dont think that his style is the end all-be all of self defense. I do think that it is important to train realistic though. Now, before anyone says, "Well, I train in X art and its realistic!" Sure, it may very well be, but there are things that you have to look at.
1- When doing SD techs. is your 'attacker' giving you resistance, or just standing there? Aliveness is the best word that comes to mind here.
2- Are you doing things that are simple, quick, effective, to the point, or doing flashy moves that should IMO, not really be done at all?
3- Are you covering all the ranges of fighting? Punching, kicking, clinching, grappling?
4- When sparring, are you working on that adrenal stress training that this guy talked about? Sure, one of those padded suits is expensive, but in the long run, think about the quality of instruction that your students will get if they can really do punches, kicks, etc. full power! You're going to get a different feel to your defense and attacks when the attacker is really trying to hit you.
5- Are you looking at ways to always improve on things, or are you assuming that the things that you've been doing and that have been passed down for the past X number of years will actually still work? Things are always improving and people come up with new ways of doing things.
These are just a few things that I came up with, but I'm sure that there are more. As for the tapes....I wouldnt spend the money.