What do you take for energy


Brown Belt
May 15, 2012
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What supplements, foods, or products in general do you take for energy?
If you wanna hang out, you've go to... take her out....
What specifically is your issue?
This is a good question.

I was going to just give the knee-jerk answer that I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes as a pre-workout, but that's not really a useful answer, especially if the problem is over-training, or something that might be a health issue.
This is a good question.

I was going to just give the knee-jerk answer that I drink coffee in the morning and sometimes as a pre-workout, but that's not really a useful answer, especially if the problem is over-training, or something that might be a health issue.
Theoretically the correct fix is a proper diet, hydration,sleep, cardio solution.

As I am sitting here on my 2nd cup of coffee.
Sure, a calorie is a calorie…but eating 300 calories of fruit and nuts will most likely make you feel far better than eating 300 calories of donuts! Sadly, it’s probably only one donut!

Certain foods will boost your performance in the gym and promote overall health, and other foods will compromise your recovery and longevity. At the end of the day, they can all be reduced to calories – however, this isn’t a reason to eat whatever you want just because you’re hitting your calories. Optimising your food sources can and will unlock greater potential in your training and day to day experience.
Some may find the book Flexible Dieting useful. I haven't read it yet. However, Alan Aragon seems to give sound advice on healthy, performance eating.

Yeah agree that nutrition, hydration and sleep need to be optimised prior to even thinking about supplements. But for me a general multivitamin (magnesium and fish oil too but not for energy per se), also have a big glass of warm water with squeezed lemon juice first thing in the morning, also do oil pulling with coconut oil (some have said it draws toxins out and energizes you, but not sure about that haha). I drink at least 2 litres of water a day, and eat pretty well. Creatine monohydrate is also a fantastic supplement that all martial artists would benefit from.

Drink coffee too, but more out enjoyment than energy 👍🏻
Low fat chocolate milk, and crunchy peanut butter.

Milk is more hydrating than water, the chocolate has multiple mood improving chemicals, and the combo is one of the most effective post workout drinks there is.

Peanut butter is heart healthy, high in plant protein, great for muscle building, and controlling cholesterol and blood sugar.

Plus they taste awesome together, like cheese and wine.
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If you are always low energy then your diet and sleep habits may be out of wack.

Ensure makes a healthy protein drink with caffeine that works well for me. I slowly gets me into a more alert state when I don't have enough sleep. It gives me the feeling of being awake and rested. Other than that, I don't drink energy drinks. If I'm feeling run down then it's usually the combination of allergies and a lack of sleep.
If you need a shot of energy because of unusual circumstances, sure, take a caffeine hit or an exercise that gets you going again, like Xingyiquan for me.
But if you need to do that regularly, as JowGaWolf wrote, there’s a problem with your daily diet, sleep, and exercise. As for diet, supplements are meant to replace something you can’t get in your diet or environment (e.g. D).
If you are always low energy then your diet and sleep habits may be out of wack.

Ensure makes a healthy protein drink with caffeine that works well for me. I slowly gets me into a more alert state when I don't have enough sleep. It gives me the feeling of being awake and rested. Other than that, I don't drink energy drinks. If I'm feeling run down then it's usually the combination of allergies and a lack of sleep.
I enjoy 2 energy drinks and a lot of protein
I enjoy 2 energy drinks and a lot of protein
Do you know that excess protein intake can compromise kidney function?

At any rate, what about the rest of your diet? Getting enough vegetables?
Do you know that excess protein intake can compromise kidney function?

At any rate, what about the rest of your diet? Getting enough vegetables?
If we're focusing on health, the 2 energy drinks a day is also an issue. I think most people who drink energy drinks are aware of that though. Energy Drinks and Their Adverse Health Effects: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis