What do you consider is the most dangerous fighting style?

It is not the style but the fighter and please do not tell me it is different. People are as good as they train no matter what style. And AceHBK glad to see you around, We have an adult class MWF at 8pm an TT at 8:30 pm
James Brown once said 'i don't know karate but i know carazee(crazy)'.

My opinion is inline with many of the other posts that there isn't a 'most dangerous' style. Chin na is very brutal and western boxing can inflict much damage also. The point i guess i'm trying to make that the level of aggression with which a technique(or lack of technique) is carried out determines the effectiveness.

You can know a technique that can break someones neck.
Are you carazee enough to use it?
Even the individual will have their time and place. For instance, take Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock, they were both appearing to be unbeatable at the early days of the UFC and now they are having a tough go of it. As with every style or fighter, you will have your time and day, but it can go at any time.
It all comes down to the individual in that moment in time. Train alot and your training will hopefully protect you in the moment but it is no guarantee.
Hello, Lots of styles/systems teach killing methods. Most people who reach a level of a Black belt knows how to Kill or Maine a person.

But within those styles and systems...the persons who have the "Killer instinct" should be consider the most dangerous fighter!

Killer instincts (some where born with it)....have NO fear for themselves and will always fight back! No matter how big or how many people they are facing. You can hit them 10 times and they will still get up and fight back.....

They take NO bull from anyone....you could say they are fearless (yes they do fear inside..but will not show it)!

Most of us have friends that are like that...in a fight they will go for the KILL! ....just my thoughts on this........Aloha (best to have them on your side!)
What do you consider is the most dangerous (whatever your definition of that is) fighting style (either within or outside of the one you practice) compared to others and please say why.

Seriously I am not sure. I have two and most will think I am being silly, but I am not.

One is Blind Faith in something like a religion or cause, accepting something for the absolute and then going after thsoe who are different or believe differently.

The other is the search for more knowledge, (* Which I support in full force, and think is important *), yet with the desire for more, new and better ways to destroy each other are devised and or come into play every day, inclduing things that destroy the environment to chemicals in food that destroy or bodies, to actual weapons of mass distruction.

Blind Faith in something like a religion or a cause with absolutes by it self is not that dangerous yet if you combine it with the things developed by those searching for more knowledge, it becomes very serious very quickly. So with out those willing to go after others the knowledge is not dangerous. And with that knowledge, there are limitations to the existing technology.

So I am leaning one way, and that way insults lots of people, in lots of cultures on this planet. It is not PC, it is not in the NOW, or the Vogue, but it does bring to mind the old cartoons of US vs THEM.
Even the individual will have their time and place. For instance, take Royce Gracie and Ken Shamrock, they were both appearing to be unbeatable at the early days of the UFC and now they are having a tough go of it. As with every style or fighter, you will have your time and day, but it can go at any time.

Yeah, we have to remember that these fighters are aging, as all fighters do. Things are bound to get tougher trying to stay on top as you age. In their prime they did appear invincible, but as the saying goes, every dog has their day. Nobody stays on top forever, just ask Mohammed Ali, "the GREATEST".

I still think the practitioner and their heart and desire outweigh a particular MA style because IMHO there really isn't one perfect, best Martial Art. Each has its benefits and its drawbacks.
Yeah, but if age is the deciding factor in this I can bring up Maurice Smith. If I remember correctly he was 39 when he did his first MMA/NHB fight and then went on to tear up a bunch of guys. Royce was 28 when he fought the first UFC so he is around the same age. They may be aging, but I am not so sure that it is why they are not winning as much today.
martial arts without a philosophy is evil. - Jhoon Rhee
Vale tudo, anything goes is the translation. headbutting, groin strikes in cages, in rings no gloves its HARDCORE.

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