What Do We Do About Iraq Now? Thoughts?

This is why Dick Cheney told us that we'd be at war for the rest of our lives. And this is why Norman Podhoretz calls this endeavor WWIV.

So, what do we do about Iraq?

I say Cut and Run.

Everything about what this administration plans to do is impossible. Hell, the Iraq War itself is going to bankrupt this country. Right now, as of this point, we will spend $1,000,000,000,000 dollars on it and NONE of it has been added to our national debt. If we spend another two years there, we will double that.

Remember Cheney's quote. "War for the rest of our lives."

Who is going to pay for this? Who is ultimately going to get stuck with this foolishness? Our children. My children.

We are literally blowing away our futures, our children's futures, all of our hopes and dreams by attempting to monopolize the oil in the middle east.

American should be shamed for what we have done. President Bush and all of the PNACers should be forced to go to the UN and apologize to the world and then they should spend the rest of their lives in prison for treason against this country.

I say Cut and Run. We found a huge beehive hanging in a tree and we knocked it down and instead of getting the **** out of there, we are kicking the damn thing like a football.

This war for Oil is one we cannot win.

It should also be pointed out that one of the signatories of the PNAC, political scientist Frances Fukuyama, has since distanced himself from the organization because he got the silly idea in his head that spreading democracy by gunpoint is, well, a bad way of doing it.

Imagine that.
of the top of my head. we leave. we got rid of saddam, now let them sort out their future.
Yeah we just wanted to get combat trained troops for our military. Them 'nam vets were too old. As Al Gore said we would say, "We'll just let Yall figure out what to do next." or something to that effect.

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