What do dragons like to eat?


Beating you all over those fries!
MT Mentor
Nov 22, 2008
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Aside from knights and maidens, that is. :) I'm writing a story where a dragon gets a sumptuous meal in exchange for a favor to the protagonist. I figure a diverse group like this might have some interesting ideas.
If you follow the theory that dragons were originally aquatic creatures, then they might have a fondness for sea food. Caviar and porpoise? Giant squid calimari?

OTOH a land dwelling dragon no doubt favors antelope and wooly mammoths. Make that an elephant.
Little Jackie Paper use to bring Puff the Magic Dragon lots of twinkies and oreo cookies. He always had the munchies.
Purina Dragon Chow


Actually this is set in the Middle East, so maybe a giant platter of shwarma might fit the bill. In short, the dragon is a figure of wisdom who enables the hero to o'ertake the castle through trickery because he doesn't have the means to take it by force. I'm really having fun with this as it takes shape. Somebody pass the baba ghanoush!!
If you follow the theory that dragons were originally aquatic creatures, then they might have a fondness for sea food. Caviar and porpoise? Giant squid calimari?

That is what I was thinking when I read the title.

When I was in Hong Kong out on the island I saw a hotel with a hole built into it. The hole was put in to it for so the dragon that lived on the mountain could get to the sea, probably for sea food!.
Dragons as far as we know are not real creatures so accounts of what a Dragon ate vary. We can assume it ate flesh of some kind by looking at Aligators and Komodo Dragons. But in what ever mythology you are writing you can pen the diet what ever you want.
Would a dragon of wisdom's reward "banquet" be a plate of food? Or might it be a "plate" of books/scrolls?
Oh, oh Liberals? Or maybe a slow roasted Conservative?

Magicians? Kinda like cannibals believing that eating another, gives them the power that person had.
I like to eat hamburgers.

Er.. I mean.. DRAGONS.. DRAGONS like to eat hamburgers. Yea, dragons. Mythological beasts. We don't... er I mean THEY don't exist. Hehehehe..
I always thought Dragons were really vegetarians. I mean that fire may look all scary and stuff but that's because they have one big ol' Fire Pit in their gullet. It's a woodburning stove! Fueled a tree at a time, or so. :D
Definately something that gives them bad gas...how else would they breathe fire?

Maybe a White Castle or Krystal gut bomber....?
Well BigDon I wasn't aware that there was a MA film called The Last Dragon, I only knew of the Discovery Channel documentary about it.
Definately something that gives them bad gas...how else would they breathe fire?

Maybe a White Castle or Krystal gut bomber....?

That sounds pretty credible to me. Either that or whole bulbs of garlic ... I'm sure they don't make toothbrushes dragon-size.
