What did they think would happen?


Sr. Grandmaster

BALTIMORE (WJZ) — Occupy Baltimore protesters arrested. Police take action as demonstrators try to take over the site of a proposed youth jail facility. Meghan McCorkell has more on the arrests.
State police say they negotiated with the six protesters who went behind the fence but when they refused to leave, they were taken to jail.

Around 5:30 p.m., Maryland State Police moved in and arrested six Occupy Baltimore protesters. From Sky Eye Chopper 13, you can see the Occupiers loaded into a police van. The group had entered the state-owned site of a proposed juvenile detention center. There, they built a mock schoolhouse.

“The area was clearly fenced and marked and posted for no trespassing. It’s a construction site and it’s not something that we want people staying in,” said Greg Shipley, Maryland State Police.
Baltimore City police then ordered the protesters to take down a tent they’d set up next to the site. When they refused, officers moved in.
Around 7 p.m., the media were pushed about a block away from the site.
“It’s actually really insulting because we’re peaceful,” said protester Marcus Clary.
The group remained peaceful as officers dismantled the tent. City police didn’t make any more arrests but Clary says the show of force was too much.
“This is completely unnecessary. They have sticks; they have guns. We have nothing but our soul and our heart and our words,” Clary said.

Never bring words to a stick and gun fight
They wanted to generate press to (presumably) make the point that education is a better use of resources than incarceration, and they were highly successful.

Of course they knew they would be arrested. The whole point of civil disobedience is getting arrested for intentionally breaking the law in a nonviolent manner in order to make a statement. Mission accomplished.
They wanted to generate press to (presumably) make the point that education is a better use of resources than incarceration, and they were highly successful.

Of course they knew they would be arrested. The whole point of civil disobedience is getting arrested for intentionally breaking the law in a nonviolent manner in order to make a statement. Mission accomplished.

Yes, yes, and yes.


I bet you non of them bothered to ever volunteer a second of their time, or a penny of their money to support a local school, help a youngster to stay out of trouble and pick up the grades.
Yes, yes, and yes.


I bet you non of them bothered to ever volunteer a second of their time, or a penny of their money to support a local school, help a youngster to stay out of trouble and pick up the grades.

Because they would not get the attention and TV cameras they think they deserve. I love these "Cause heads." Friend of an ex of mien was like this, jumped on every outrage, hated democracy and capitalism (admitted to being communist, and went into politics btw). Getting attention is always the goal here.
They claim to be peaceful, yet they clearly refuse to listen to the cops? So when the cops move in, suddenly the cops are now the bad guys. Typical. No, just because you're not punching and kicking, and sitting on your ***, refusing to move, interlocking arms, doesnt mean that you're not being peaceful, by refusing to leave an area you have no business being in, in the first place. Whats completely unnecessary, is for these people to do what they do. I mean really...do they honestly think they're going to change anything? LOL!
by refusing to leave an area you have no business being in, in the first place. Whats completely unnecessary, is for these people to do what they do. I mean really...do they honestly think they're going to change anything? LOL!

Yeah, I guess you're right.
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Yeah, I guess you're right.

It wasnt so much the sit ins that changed the civil rights it was the organized approach and single message of leaders like Martin Luther King. There was a single goal and stated goal and leaders that went out and spread the message. Nobody even knows what the OWS people want. They have no leaders and no organization. No single message. They also hurt there own caused with things like this:


Efforts by the Occupy Baltimore protest group to evolve into a self-contained, self-governing community have erupted into controversy with the distribution of a pamphlet that victim advocates and health workers fear discourages victims of sexual assaults from contacting police.
The pamphlet says that members of the protest group who believe they are victims or who suspect sexual abuse "are encouraged to immediately report the incident to the Security Committee," which will investigate and "supply the abuser with counseling resources."

It makes them look like a bunch of anarchists and law breakers that want nothing more then to run wild and have no rules.
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I am in the awkward postion of agreeing with a number of posts above that, unfortunately, do not appear to have been written in agreement with each other :lol: :o. Flea and Ballen and Gran have all posted views that I think correctly highlight certain facets of what is going on with the OWS - I won't call it a 'Movement' yet because I do concur with those that say it has been a magnet for any number of 'special interest' groups that wish to use it for this-or-that-message.

I do not know if OWS will ever amount to more than a splash of media headlines but I do know that things are going to get worse for Capitalist nations before they get any better; possibly a whole lot worse for we have yet only seen the meerest tip of the iceberg of the depression that making banks the biggest 'Welfare Scrougers' in the world will bring. Altho' it is not being widely trumpeted in the media as yet, what we have in essence to address is a crisis for Democracy as a whole that is being brought on by making those whose role it is to 'transact' money between 'real economy' operators more important that the generators of wealth.

The only thing that is certain is that if we try to go back to 'business as usual' the West is heading for a collapse that will open a vacuum into which less (to our eyes) salubrious nations will step. For, to date, no paper money system has ever succeeded and it is that shaky foundation upon which our current debt fueled pseudo prosperity is built.
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“It’s actually really insulting because we’re peaceful,” said protester Marcus Clary.

Yes, you nimrod (I mean Marcus, not ballen). And you were peacefully arrested for breaking the law. I'm sure that's very insulting too. Good luck in prison, moron.
It wasnt so much the sit ins that changed the civil rights it was the organized approach and single message of leaders like Martin Luther King.

It wasn't just that, but you're right.

The Civil Rights Movement was aimed at addressing a flaw in society. It described what the flaw was and how it was to be addressed. OWS can't decide what it is they are 'for' or 'against' except being anti-rich people in a general way, and can't describe how these things should be fixed, other than forgiving all loans everywhere (I loved that one off their Manifesto).

The Civil Rights Movement also had another important component; they disobeyed the law AND INTENDED TO BE ARRESTED. And they got arrested. And beaten. And treated horribly; even murdered. They performed civil disobedience as Ghandi did; they did not offer violent resistance to being arrested, and THEY INTENDED TO BE ARRESTED.

OWS does not like being arrested. They whine and cry about it, and none of them have been firehosed or beaten like baby seals the way the Civil Rights marchers were. They do not submit to arrest as civil disobedience calls for them to do; they run away, some fight the police, they spit and throw bottles and rocks and defecate on police cars.

Civil disobedience has a long and honorable history in the USA. It's a powerful tool. But it means a) break the law, b) do it peacefully, and c) submit to arrest. They only kinda get b, and c escapes them entirely.

Morons. Drop a net on the entire pack of 'em.

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