Our tournaments are open and pretty much anything anyone wants to do.
Examples of different breaks: (no, I do not do all these)
Colored belts-- Kicks--front, round, axe, side, spin side, spin heel, all these as jumping kicks, hand--punch, knife, ridge, palm, elbow, head butt. Also alot of flying side kicks, some double targets. Some boards lit on fire, knife or palm. Kids have to have permission from parents to head butt. I saw one eight year old though do three kids boards head butt.
For black belt--palm strike 8-10 concrete patio bricks, speed break palm (finger touch then down) 8 patio bricks, Knife 3 patio bricks, double spin heel to two apples tossed, thumb break to one patio block, spear hand break-3 bds., round kick to 4 boards or one patio block, headbutt to patio block, 360 jumpback kick blindfolded, triple front kick to three individually held boards, multiple quick breaks ending with a chin break, flying sidekick through hoop on fire to a patio block (done by a 10 yr. old) flying sidekick through two than jump and kick off a wall to break two bds. round kick. Flying side kick through three boards over three chairs. Toss up 3 bds same time and break them all doing spin heel. Double front kick-jump same time and break 2 bds in ea. hand. Alot of these, I witnessed at the last two tournaments and all from our school.

PS. one lady bb used to do stomp on two patio bricks but haven't seen any others but some of the kids do it. (not hard)