Here is the update. We had 5-10 competors for our first Stick fighting event including Mr Hartman his self. How did it go? I thought it went good for the first event. We have some learning to do but I think it will catch on and become big for our nationals. Mr. Hartman was a great help as well as a great stick fighter. the Smack Stick was a success eveyone I talked to loved them. The ablity to do locks, holds, and still strike without getting anyone hurt was great. The Smack sticks seem to take the persure off the competors. Don't get me wrong you can get a good welt when you get hit but with the proper pads you don't have to worry about anything getting broke with that persure off the competitors can go at it.
Ok, what about the point system. We had 3 groups the competed. The first group we did the 3-head, 2-body, and 1-arms/leg. It was a little confusing at first but the score keeper (me) was able to catch on fast. the next two groups, per request of Mr. Hartman, we went to 1-head, 1-body, and 1-arms/legs. I would like to hear Mr. Hartman's thoughts on it, but here is mine. I did see the "head hunting" take place in the first group. But in the second group seem to turn more into a game of tag the foot or hand. the competitors seem to go to the hand or foot for the quick point instead of going for the vital points of the body or head. the question came up about the ablity to call a head, body shot by the judges. My thought, (after thinking it thought and watching) Any black belt should be able to call it. When you think about it many tournaments will call 2 point for a kick to the head, I seen no differant in point sparing and the stick fighting when it came to judging.
Next tournament I think I will go with the 3-head, 2-body, 1-arm/leg. and a one 2 min round.
Once more I would like to thank Mr. Hartman and his group for comming down and helping as will as SmackStick for sponcering the tourname with a great product.