"Mirror Mirror on the wall, am I the most value of them all" by Posoteri (I know, gay title)
"Pathways to success" by ???
"product manuals" (not really a book, per say, but you should see how thick these things are)
"Life and Health Insurance" (Dearborn manual, I have to get my health and ins. license for my job)
"The Bible" by "God"

p )
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church" by "The Pope"......

rofl: )
"Handbook of Christian Apoligetics" (Peter Kreeft and Ronald Tacelli)
"How the Bond Market Works" by Robert Zipf
"When Genius fails" by ??????
"The Art of War" by Sun Tzu
Sorry, I am at my office, so I don't have all of the authors names handy (and I was only kidding about the author of the Bible and the Catechism). I mostly read stuff involving the markets or philosephy/religion. Some of the stuff I listed I've read already (like the Bible, cover to cover). It depends on whats going on, too. Like right now I've been re-reading parts of the Catechism because my girlfriend is getting baptised and confirmed in the spring. I read on a below average day, about 5,000 words. Keep in mind that I read very fast, so I don't spend as much time as you think.
Arnisador: Got any good book suggestions on "Chaos Theory?" I'd like to touch up on the subject. Thx...