What arts are in Shorinji Kempo?


Sr. Grandmaster
MTS Alumni
I always thought it was comprised of a single Chinese art viewed through a Japanese lens, sort of like Uechi-ryu's relation to Pangainoon, but from posts here it sounds like it encompasses several arts?
Originally posted by arnisador
I always thought it was comprised of a single Chinese art viewed through a Japanese lens, sort of like Uechi-ryu's relation to Pangainoon, but from posts here it sounds like it encompasses several arts?
Hey Arnisador,
To answer your question you need to look at the Founder's MA background. So Doshin's background was in HakkoRyu Jujutsu, ShorinjiRyu Kenkokan Karate-Do and Chinese Gong Fu. All these are apparent in Shorinji Kempo's Goho and Juho syllabus.

Originally posted by arnisador
Have any other (newer) styles evolved from Shorinji Kempo?
No, but there is a splinter group that just does the Goho and enters knockdown tournaments. They bill themselves as some form of karate, and are based in Osaka.

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